Divide 16 into the sum of several natural numbers, and then multiply these natural numbers to get the largest product?

Divide 16 into the sum of several natural numbers, and then multiply these natural numbers to get the largest product?

The largest product is 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 4 = 324
8. The sum of a, B and C is 1160. A is half of B, B is twice of C. each of the three numbers is more than 9
8. The sum of the three numbers a, B and C is 1160. A is half of B and B is twice of C. each of the three numbers is more
9. For a meeting in a guest house, 36 people have no bed if there are 3 people in each room, and there are 4 people in each room
13 people have no beds. If there are 5 people in each room, what's the situation?
10. Xiao Ming read a book, 83 pages on the first day, 74 pages on the second day, 71 pages on the third day and 71 pages on the fourth day
How many pages did Xiao Ming read on the fifth day?
11. Measure the height of the bridge on the bridge. When the rope is folded in half and dropped to the surface of the water, there is still 8 meters left on the rope,
When the rope is down to the water, there are 2 meters left. How many meters are the bridge height and rope length
A total of 44 students went boating in 10 boats, 6 in each big boat and 4 in each small boat
Man. How many boats and boats are there?
13. A total of 10 questions were given, 10 points for one right question, and 10 points for one wrong question
Zhang Hua finished all 10 questions and got 70 points. How many questions did he answer correctly?
8. B = 1160 ^ (1 + 1 / 2 + 1 / 2) = 580; a = 580 ^ (2) = 290; C = 580 ^ (2) = 290; 9. Number of rooms = (36-13) ^ (4-3) = 23; number of people = 23 × 3 = 36 = 105; each room has 5 people, 105 ^ (5) = 21, the rest 23-21 = 2
The ratio of the existing number of people in the two workshops is 5:2. If 12 people are transferred from workshop a to workshop B, the number of people in the two workshops is equal. How many people are there in the two workshops
Fractional equation, no!
There are 5x people in workshop a, 2x people in workshop B and 7x people in both workshops
There are 56 people in the two workshops
There were 5x people in workshop a and 2x people in workshop B.
5x-12=2x+12 x=8
So 5x = 40 2x = 16
There were 40 people in workshop a and 16 people in workshop B
A 40 b 16 column equation
The sum of a, B and C is 1160. A is half of B and B is twice of C. what are the three numbers?
C is: 1160 ^ (1 + 1 + 2), = 1160 ^ 4, = 290, B is: 290 × 2 = 580, a = C = 290, answer: A is 290, B is 580, C is 290
In a factory, there is a ratio of 3:5 between workshop a and workshop B. If workshop a transfers 150 people to workshop B, then the ratio of workshop a and workshop B is 3:7. How many people are there in the original two workshops?
Suppose: the original number of people in workshop a is 3x, then the number of people in workshop B is 5x
According to the meaning of the title:
A: there were 750 people in workshop a and 1250 people in workshop B
I just can't understand how 7 (3x-150) = 3 (5x + 150) becomes 6x = 1500,
What grade are you in?
The sum of the numbers a, B and C is 255. The number a is 25% less than the number B, and the number B is two and two-thirds of the number A. what are the numbers a, B and C? The solution of the equation
C is 1-75% of B, X2 2 / 3 = 3 / 4 + 8 / 3 = 2 times
Let B be X
A is 60x (1-25%) = 45
C 60x2 = 120
If you don't understand this question, you can ask,
There are two assembly workshops a and B in the TV factory, in which workshop a accounts for 11 / 20 of the total number of people in the two workshops. Due to work needs, 36 people are transferred from workshop a to workshop B
At this time, the number of people in the two workshops is just equal. How many people are there in workshop a and workshop B?
36 ÷ (11 / 20-1 / 2) = 720 persons
A: 720 × 11 / 20 = 396
B: 720-396 = 324
The ratio of a, B and C is 5:3:2, the number of a is 25, the number of B is () and the number of C is(
The ratio of a, B and C is 5:3:2, the number of a is 25, the number of B is (), and the number of C is ()
The ratio of a, B and C is 5:3:2, the number of a is 25, the number of B is (15), and the number of C is (10)
B 25 △ 5 × 3 = 15
C 25 △ 5 × 2 = 10
After a factory transfers one tenth of the total number of people from workshop a to workshop B, the number of people in workshop a and workshop B is the same. What is the ratio of the number of people in workshop a and workshop B
If equal, each has one and the total is two
A: 1 ÷ (1-1 / 10) = 10 / 9
B 2-10 / 9 = 8 / 9
The original ratio of a to B is 10 / 9:8 / 9 = 5:4
There are three numbers a, B and C. the number a is 25% of the total number, the number B is 50% more than the number C, and the number C is 50% more than the number a?
Let's first set the total number to 1, then a is 1 / 4, then the sum of B and C is (1-1 / 4) = 3 / 4, then B is 50% more than C, then B is 1.5 times of C, then C is (3 / 4) / (1 + 1.5) = 3 / 10, then C is (3 / 10-1 / 4) / (1 / 4) = 20% more than a
The numbers of a, B and C are 25%, 45% and 30% of the total
Number C is 20% more than number a
Are you from primary school?
20%, trust me