Party A, Party B and Party C process a batch of parts together. Party A processes 2 / 5 of the total number of parts, 125 more than Party B. Party C processes 2 / 3 of Party B. how many parts do the three process? Write down every step

Party A, Party B and Party C process a batch of parts together. Party A processes 2 / 5 of the total number of parts, 125 more than Party B. Party C processes 2 / 3 of Party B. how many parts do the three process? Write down every step

If Party A processes 2 / 5 of the total, Party B and Party C process 3 / 5 of the total, Party C processes 2 / 3 of Party B, Party C processes 2 / (2 + 3) = 3 / 5 of the total, Party C processes 3 / 5 × 3 / 5 = 6 / 25, Party B processes 3 / 5-6 / 25 = 9 / 25, and Party A processes 2 / 5-9 / 25 = 1 / 25 more than Party B, so 125 is 1 / 25 of the total
Set three people to process x pieces in total
Then a processes 2 / 5 * x, B processes (2 / 5 * x-125) and C processes [2 / 3 * (2 / 5 * x-125)]
According to the meaning of the title: 2 / 5 * x + (2 / 5 * x-125) + 2 / 3 * (2 / 5 * x-125) = X
Solution: x = 3125
A: a total of 3125 pieces were processed by three people
There is no solution. The problem is wrong
A total of Z pieces were processed
A 2 / 5Z
B 2 / 5z-125
C (2 / 5z-125) 2 / 3
The solution is Z = 3125
Application of Mathematics: there are x people in the first workshop of a factory, and the number of people in the second workshop is 30 less than 45 in the first workshop. (1) how many people are there in the two workshops? (2) If 10 people are transferred from the first workshop to the second workshop, how many more people are there in the first workshop than in the second workshop?
(1) X + (45x-30) = 95x-30 answer: there are (95x-30) people in the two workshops. (2) (X-10) - (45x-30 + 10) = 15x + 10. Answer: there are (15x + 10) more people in the first workshop than in the second
There are 300 books on the bookshelf. Take out 20 books from bookshelf A and put them into bookshelf B. the books on bookshelf B are exactly seven eighths of bookshelf A. how many books are there in each bookshelf
Let a have X and B have y
There are 300 books on the shelf
Take out 20 copies from a, a has x-20 copies at this time, and y has y + 20 copies
At this time, B is seven eighths of a bookshelf, so the equation
The solution is x = 180, y = 120,
If you don't understand,
If there are x books on shelf a, then there are 300-x books on shelf B
There are 180 books on shelf a and 120 books on shelf B
No matter where you put them, the total number of books is the same.
The number of books on shelf B is exactly seven eighths of that of shelf a, that is, the ratio of the number of books on shelf B to that of shelf a is 7 / 8:1 = 7:8, and that of shelf a is 8 / (8 + 7) = 8 / 15, and that of shelf a is 300 × 8 / 15 = 160
A: 160 + 20 = 180 (original), B: 300-180 = 120 (original)
The number of people in the second workshop of a factory is 30 less than 45 in the first workshop. If 10 people are transferred from the first workshop to the second workshop, then the second workshop is 34 in the first workshop. How many people are there in each of these two workshops?
Suppose the number of people in the first workshop is x and that in the second workshop is y. according to the meaning of the question, y = 45x − 3034 (x − 10) = y + 10, the solution is x = 250Y = 170. Answer: there are 250 people in the first workshop and 170 people in the second workshop
There are 300 books on the two bookshelves. The books on the first bookshelf are 1.5 times of those on the second bookshelf. How many books are there on each bookshelf?
There are x books on shelf B and 1.5x books on shelf a
There are 120 books on shelf B and 180 books on shelf a
There are x books on shelf B. There are 1.5x books on shelf a,
120 * 1.5 = 180 copies
In a factory, the number of people in the first workshop is 30 less than 45 in the second workshop. If 10 people are transferred from the second workshop to the first workshop, then the number of people in the first workshop is 34 in the second workshop
Suppose that there are x people in the second workshop. From the meaning of the question, we get 45x-30 + 10 = 34 (X-10), and the solution is: x = 250, then 45 × 250-30 = 170 (people). Answer: the number of people in the first workshop is 170, and that in the second workshop is 250
The ratio of the number of books in the first and second bookshelves is 2:3. The number of books in the second bookshelf is 25% of the total number of books in the two bookshelves
It turns out that the number of copies stored on the second shelf is half of the total number of copies on the two shelves
What is the total number of copies on the two shelves
35 (60-25%) = 100 (this)
The original a bookshelf books
100 × (1-60%) = 40
In a factory, the number of people in the first workshop is 30 less than 45 in the second workshop. If 10 people are transferred from the second workshop to the first workshop, then the number of people in the first workshop is 34 in the second workshop
Suppose that there are x people in the second workshop. From the meaning of the question, we get 45x-30 + 10 = 34 (X-10), and the solution is: x = 250, then 45 × 250-30 = 170 (people). Answer: the number of people in the first workshop is 170, and that in the second workshop is 250
There are 3000 books in a and B bookshelves. The number of books in a bookshelf is 25, which is 420 more than that in B bookshelf. How many books are there in each bookshelf?
Suppose there are x books on shelf a, then there are 3000-x books on shelf B. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 25X = (3000-x) × 14 + 420, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 25X = 750-x × 14 + 420, & nbsp; 25X + 14x = 1170 − 14x + 14x, 1320x △ 1320 = 1170 △ 1320,. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 18003000-1800 = 1200. Answer: there are 1800 books on shelf a and 1200 books on shelf B
There are two workshops in an electrical parts factory. The number of people in workshop a is 75% of that in workshop B
If 10 people are transferred from workshop B to workshop a, the number of people in workshop a is just 80% of that in workshop B. How many people are there in workshop a and workshop B? Reject the equation! Hee hee
Arithmetic solution: 1. Number of people in workshop B: B = (10 + 10 * 80%) / (80% - 75%) = 360 people. 2. Number of people in workshop a: a = 360 * 75% = 270 people. 3. Calculus: a + 10 = 270 + 10 = 280 people (B-10) * 80% = (360-10) * 80% = 280 people. 4. Understanding is very abstract: difference of percentage: (80% - 75%)