There are several books on each shelf. If you take five books from shelf B and put them on the fake shelf, the books on shelf a will be four times more than those on shelf B. If you take five books from shelf a and put them on the coat hanger, the books on shelf a will be three times as many as those on shelf B. how many books are there on shelf a and B?

There are several books on each shelf. If you take five books from shelf B and put them on the fake shelf, the books on shelf a will be four times more than those on shelf B. If you take five books from shelf a and put them on the coat hanger, the books on shelf a will be three times as many as those on shelf B. how many books are there on shelf a and B?

A 95 B 25
The two workers, a and B, worked together to process a batch of machine parts and completed the task in 20 days. It is known that a makes three more parts a day than B, and B asks for five days' leave in the middle of the day, and the number of parts completed by B is exactly half of that of A. how many parts are there in this batch?
The number of parts completed by Party B is exactly half of that of Party A. then: Party B completes 13% of the total workload, and Party A completes 23% of the total workload; Party A's work efficiency: 23 △ 20 = 130; Party B's work efficiency: 13 △ 20-5, = 13 △ 15, = 145; 3 △ 130-145, = 3 △ 190, = 270; answer: the total number of parts is 270
There are several books on each of the two bookshelves. If you take five books from bookshelf B to bookshelf a, the books on bookshelf a are four times more than those on bookshelf B. If you take five books from bookshelf a to bookshelf B, the books on bookshelf a are three times more than those on bookshelf B. how many books are there on bookshelf A and bookshelf B?
The sum of the original unit price of a and B is 100 yuan. Due to market changes, the price of a is reduced by 10% and that of B is increased by 40%. After the price adjustment, the sum of the unit price of the two commodities is increased by 32%. How much is the original unit price of a and B?
Let a be a book and B be B book
a=155 b=45
2 a yuan, B yuan
a=18 b=82
Suppose the original unit price of a commodity is x yuan, then the original price of B commodity is (100-x) yuan
The solution is x = 20. When x = 20, 100-x = 100-20 = 80 (yuan)
Answer: the original unit price of a and B is 20 yuan and 80 yuan respectively
1. There are 95 books on shelf a and 25 books on shelf B.
Let a and B have books X and Y respectively. According to the meaning of the title, x + 5 = (1 + 4) × (Y-5), X-5 = 3 × (y + 5). To solve this system of linear equations of two variables, we get x = 95, y = 25.
2. The unit price of a is 16 yuan and that of B is 84 yuan.
Let the original unit price of a and B be x and Y yuan respectively. According to the meaning of the question, x + y = 100, X (1-10%) + y (1 + 40%) = 100 × (1 + 32%). Solve the binary linear equation system and get x = 16, y =... Expansion
1. There are 95 books on shelf a and 25 books on shelf B.
Let a and B have books X and Y respectively. According to the meaning of the title, x + 5 = (1 + 4) × (Y-5), X-5 = 3 × (y + 5). To solve this system of linear equations of two variables, we get x = 95, y = 25.
2. The unit price of a is 16 yuan and that of B is 84 yuan.
Let y = 1 + 10% and y = 1 + 100% respectively. Put it away
It is known that the ratio of work efficiency of Party A and Party B is 5:4. How many days does it take for Party A to complete this batch of parts alone?
120 × 59 = 1361 △ 136 = 36 (days) a: it takes 36 days for Party A to make this batch of parts alone
There are 200 books in the two bookshelves. The number of books in the first bookshelf is 3 times less than that in the second bookshelf. How many books are there in the second bookshelf?
(200 + 16) / (3 + 1) = 54
(200 + 16) / (3 + 1) = 54 (this) - B
Bookshelf a = bookshelf B × 3-16
Bookshelf a + bookshelf B = 200
(b bookshelf × 3-16) + B bookshelf = 200
B = 46
The equation is solved as follows
Suppose there are x books on shelf B, then the equation x + (3x-16) = 200 = = = > 4x = 216 = = > x = 216 / 4 = 54 (Books) is listed
The solution is finished. Follow up: This is the topic of grade three in primary school. I haven't learned equation yet
Party A and Party B work together to make a batch of machine parts and complete the task in 20 days. Party A does three more than Party B every day, and Party B asks for five days' leave in the middle of the process, and Party B does nothing
Party A and Party B work together to make a batch of machine parts and complete the task in 20 days. Party A makes three more parts a day than Party B. Party B asks for five days' leave on the way, and the number of parts completed by Party B is exactly half of that of Party A. how many parts are there in this batch?
Ruoyi x a day
Then: (x + 3) * 20 = 2 * (20 - 5) * x
x = 6
9 *20 + 6*15 =270
There are 102 books in a and B bookshelves. If 24 books are taken out of a bookshelf and put into B bookshelf
2 / 3 of the books on the second shelf is exactly 3 / 4 of the books on the first shelf?
Two thirds of the books on shelf B are exactly three quarters of those on shelf a
Now a is B's: 2 / 3 △ 3 / 4 = 8 / 9
There is now a ratio of 8 to 8
Original A: 48 + 24 = 72
Original B: 102-72 = 30
Now the ratio of a to B is 2 / 3:3 / 4 = 8:9
Now a: 102x8 / 17 = 48 copies
Original A: 48 + 24 = 72
Original B: 102-72 = 30 copies
There are 72 books on shelf a and 30 books on shelf B
A 72 B 30
There are 72 in a and 30 in B
Party A and Party B process 1500 machine parts respectively. Party B adopts new technology and its production efficiency is three times that of Party A. therefore, Party B takes 20 hours less than Party A to complete the task
How many parts each person processes per hour
Suppose a processes x parts per hour
Party A processes 50 parts per hour and Party B processes 150 parts per hour
There are 102 books in the two bookshelves. Take 24 books from bookshelf A and put them into bookshelf B. 2 / 3 of the books in bookshelf B are 3 / 4 of those in bookshelf a. the original books in bookshelf B are?
You can't do it with equations
Party A, Party B and Party C process a batch of parts. One fifth of the known parts are processed by Party A, five seventh by Party B, and Party C processes 219 parts
219 / (1-1 / 5-5 / 7) = 2555
219 △ 1 / 11 = 2409
219 (1-1 / 5-5 / 7) = 2555