The weight ratio of goods in warehouse A and warehouse B is 7:8. If 14 tons are transported out of warehouse B and 6 tons are transported in from warehouse A, then warehouse A is 14 tons more than warehouse B. how many tons of original goods are there in warehouse A and warehouse B?

The weight ratio of goods in warehouse A and warehouse B is 7:8. If 14 tons are transported out of warehouse B and 6 tons are transported in from warehouse A, then warehouse A is 14 tons more than warehouse B. how many tons of original goods are there in warehouse A and warehouse B?

The equation: (78x-6) - [(1-14) x + 6] = 14 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 78x-6-34x-6 = 14, the equation: (78x-6) - [(1-14-14) x + 6] = 14 & nbsp; (78x-6) - [(1-14-14-14 (1-14) x + 14) x + 6 (1-14) is the equation: (78x-6-78x-78x-78x-78x-78x + 78x-78x + T, the original 78x-78x-78x-78x-78x-78x, the original 78x-78x-78x-78x-78x-78x-78x-78x-78x-78x-78x-78x-78x-78x-78& nbsp; & nbsp; &A: the original warehouse is 182 tons
There are 90 tons of grain in warehouse A and 70 tons of grain in warehouse B. how many tons are taken from warehouse A to warehouse B so that the weight ratio of warehouse A and warehouse B is 3:5?
There are 90 tons of grain in warehouse A and 90 tons of grain in warehouse B
70 tons. How many tons will be taken out from warehouse A to warehouse B to make it safe
The weight ratio of warehouse A and warehouse B is 3:5?
(90 + 70) * (3 + 5) = 20 (tons) 3x20 = 60 (tons) 20x5 = 100 (tons) 90-60 = 30 (tons) a: take out 30 tons
Party A has 90 tons of grain and Party B has 70 tons of grain. How many tons should be taken from Party A to Party B so that the weight ratio of Party A and Party B is 3:5?
(90 + 70) / (3 + 5) = 20 tons
A should have 20 * 3 = 60 tons,
The tonnage of a is: 90-60 = 30 tons
First of all, if the ratio is 3:5, that is to divide the total 90 + 70 = 160 into 8 parts, each of which is 20, that is, Party A will give Party B 30 tons
30 tons
Number a is 5 / 11 of the sum of number a and number B. how much less is number a than number B?
E, the number a is 5, the number B is 6, (6-5) / 6, he asked how much less, 799175294, you seem to be wrong, your answer is how much of the number a accounts for the number B, the landlord listen to me
A is five sixths of the total
A is five, B is six, and a is one less than B
A number: 6
B number; 6
A: B = 5:6
The number a is 5 / 6 of the number B, that is, the number a is 1 / 6 less than the number B
Let a be x and B be y, then x / (x + y) = 5 / 11, so 5x + 5Y = 11x, then x / y = 5 / 6
There are six male athletes and four female athletes, including one male and one female captain. Five of them are selected to go out for competition. How many kinds of selection methods are there in the following situations?
(1) There were 3 males and 2 females
(2) There is at least one member of the team leader
(3) At least one female athlete
(1)A = C(6,3)C(4,2) = 20 * 6 =120
(2) B = C(2,1)C(8,4) + C(2,2)C(8,3) = 140+56 = 196
(3)C = C(10,5) - C(6,5) = 252-6 =246
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If the ratio of a and B is 4:5, what is the percentage of a and B? What is the percentage of B and B?
There are six male athletes and four female athletes, including one male and one female team leader. Five people are selected to go out for the competition, with both team leader and female athletes
There are two types
The first method is to take part in c1495
The second type: male group leaders take part, while female group leaders don't take part. There are 295 indirect methods, i.e. c114-c74 = 295 methods (11 is because there are not two group leaders, 7 is because the male group leaders of eight boys have decided to take part)
So there are 790 methods
The ratio of a to B is 5 to 8. A is a fraction of B, B is several times of a, and a is the sum of a and B
The ratio of a to B is 5 to 8. How many parts of a is B, how many times of B, and how many parts of a is the sum of a and B?
The number of B is 5 of A,
B is five times as many as a,
The number a is the sum of the two numbers a and B. 5 (5 + 8) = 5 / 13
Among the 10 players, there are 5 boys and 5 girls. Four of them are selected to take part in the mixed doubles of badminton. How many differences are there
5 * 4 * = 20 * 2 = 40-1 = 39 view the original post > >
35 of number a is 14 of the sum of number a and number B, and the ratio of number a and number B is 14______ .
Number a × 35 = 14 × (number a + number b), number a × (35-14) = 14 × number B, so number A: number b = 14:720 = 5:7