The weight ratio of goods in warehouse A and warehouse B is 7:8. If a quarter of goods are transported out of warehouse B and 6 tons are transported in from warehouse A, then warehouse A is 14 tons more than warehouse B How much of the sum of the two warehouses' weight is the original goods in warehouse a? How much of the sum of the two warehouses' weight is the original goods in warehouse B?

The weight ratio of goods in warehouse A and warehouse B is 7:8. If a quarter of goods are transported out of warehouse B and 6 tons are transported in from warehouse A, then warehouse A is 14 tons more than warehouse B How much of the sum of the two warehouses' weight is the original goods in warehouse a? How much of the sum of the two warehouses' weight is the original goods in warehouse B?

If the weight of goods in warehouse A is 7x, the weight of goods in warehouse B is 8x, and the sum of the weight of goods in two warehouses is (7x + 8x) = 15x
The original goods in warehouse A are 7x / (7x + 8x) = 7 / 15 of the total weight of goods in warehouse A and warehouse B
The original goods in warehouse B are 8x / (7x + 8x) = 8 / 15 of the total weight of goods in warehouse A and warehouse B
If the latter condition is used, the following results can be obtained
One quarter of the goods are transported out of warehouse B, and 6x is left. After 6 tons are transported in warehouse A, 14 tons more than 6x
The original quantity of goods in warehouse A was 56 tons, and that in warehouse B was 64 tons
The weight ratio of goods in warehouse A and warehouse B is 7:8. If 14 tons are transported out of warehouse B and 6 tons are transported in from warehouse A, then warehouse A is 14 tons more than warehouse B. how many tons of original goods are there in warehouse A and warehouse B?
Suppose that the original cargo in warehouse B is x tons, then the original cargo in warehouse A is 78x tons, and the equation can be obtained as follows: (78x-6) - [(1-14) x + 6] = 14 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 78x-6-34x-6 = 14, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp
The ratio of a and B is 11:9. The number of a accounts for a few parts of the sum of two numbers, and the number of B accounts for a few parts of the difference between two numbers
The number a accounts for 11 / (11 + 9) of the sum of the two numbers, that is, 11 / 20
The number B accounts for 9 / (11-9) of the difference, that is, 9 / 2
Number of Chinese male and female athletes in the 29th Olympic Games
According to Cui Dalin, deputy head of the delegation, the Chinese sports delegation has four characteristics: first, it is large-scale. The Chinese delegation is composed of 1099 people, including 639 athletes, which is the largest one; 370 male athletes and 269 female athletes
The ratio of a and B is 11:9, the ratio of a to B is (& nbsp; & nbsp;) (& nbsp; & nbsp;) and the ratio of B to the sum of a and B is (& nbsp; & nbsp;) (& nbsp; & nbsp;)
The answer is: 1120, 920
There are 621 Chinese delegation members in 2012 London Olympic Games, 396 of them are athletes. The rest are other members. How many more athletes are there than other members?
Hello ~ ~ it's my pleasure to answer for you ~ ~ 396 / 621 - (621-396) / 621 = [396 - (621-396)] / 621 = (396-225) / 621 = 171 / 621 = 19 / 69. Athletes account for 19 / 69 of the total number of people more than others. If my answer can help you, please click [adopt as a satisfactory answer] or click [...] on the top right corner of the mobile client
The number a is 4 / 9 of the sum of the two numbers a and B, and the number a is ()% of the number B
The number of a is 4 / 9 of the sum of a and B
Number A: (number a + number b) = 4:9
Number A: number b = 4:5
The number a is (80%) of the number B
A is four, and the sum of a and B is nine, so B is five, so a is four fifths of B
The 2012 Olympic Games are held in London. What do you want to say to the athletes of the Chinese delegation?
In a foreign arena, please go to the stands and see how many Chinese spectators there are!
Think about how many expectant eyes there are in front of the TV. They all want to see their national flag flying on foreign land
An educated gentleman cannot but be resolute and broad-minded, for he has taken up a heavy responsibility and a long course!
The number of a is 5 out of 6, and the number of B is 9 out of 10. What is the ratio of a to B, and what is the proportion of a to B
The ratio of a to B is 5 / 6:9 / 10 = 50:54 = 25:27
A accounts for both a and B and 25 / (25 + 27) = 25 / 52 = 48.1%
The ratio of a to B is 5 / 6:9 / 10 = 50:54 = 25:27
A accounts for both a and B and 25 / (25 + 27) = 25 / 52 = 48.1%
At the 2012 London Olympic Games, Chinese athletes fought bravely, created great achievements and won honor for their motherland. If you send a short message to your favorite athlete, what do you want to say? Please write it down
You are the pride of our country, you fight bravely on the field, the whole Chinese people are proud of you! You win honor for the motherland, you let Chinese athletes rise