Use three zeros and seven numbers 1,2,3,4 to form seven digits

Use three zeros and seven numbers 1,2,3,4 to form seven digits

100023410002431003302410003421000423100043210020341000431002023041002340100240310024301032410030421003204100324010034034021003420 too much... Find your own rules
The first digit is one of the four digits 1-4, so it is a possibility of C (4,1). The other three digits can be arranged in any of the other six digits, so there is a possibility
C (4,1) * C (6,1) * C (5,1) * C (4,1) = 480 possibilities
The seventh place has four possibilities except 0, one, two, three and four, and the sixth place has the remaining six, and so on, five for five, four for four, three for three, two for two and one for one. Total 4 * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 2880 species
For a story book, I read one third of the pages of the whole book on the first day, two fifths of the pages of the whole book on the second day, and I read 15 pages less on the first day than on the second day
How many pages does this story book have,
15 △ 1 / 15 = 225 (page)
A: 225 pages
Weng Jinwen answers for you,
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There are two warehouses A and B. warehouse A stores 30 tons of grain. If one tenth of the grain is taken out of warehouse A and put into warehouse B, the amount of grain in the two warehouses is equal. There are two warehouses in total
How many kilos of grain?
(30-30 * 1 / 10) * 2 = 54 tons
Use the seven digits of 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 to form seven digits. Read two zeros______ ,______ Read a 0______ ,______ All zeros are not read______ ,______ Read three zeros______ ,______ .
Use the seven digits of 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 to form seven digits. Read two 0: 12003041023004; read one 0: 12300041023400; do not read all 0: 1234000100240; read three 0: 10203043040102
A story book read 40% of the whole book on the first day and 25% of the whole book on the second day
A. The number of pages on the first day is more than that on the second day. B. the number of pages on the first day is less than that on the second day. C. the number of pages read on the two days is the same
40% = 0.4, 25 = 0.4, so 40% = 25; that is, the number of pages read in two days is the same
Xiaoli designed two numbers. The greatest common divisor of the two numbers is 18 and the least common multiple is 108. Please guess what are the two numbers designed by Xiaoli______ And______ .
Because 108 △ 18 = 6, 6 = 1 × 6 = 2 × 3, there are two cases of these two numbers: 18 × 1 = 18, 18 × 6 = 108, 18 × 2 = 36, 18 × 3 = 54, namely (18, 108) or (36, 54)
Enter your question. Three zeros and four eights make up a seven digit number. Only one zero is required to be read
eight million eighty-eight thousand and eight hundred
eight million eighty-eight thousand and eight hundred
eight million eight hundred and eight thousand and eight hundred
eight million eight hundred and eight thousand and eight hundred
eight million eight hundred thousand eight hundred and eighty
eight million eighty thousand eight hundred and eighty
Xiao Ming read a story book. On the first day, he read 3 / 8 of the whole book. On the second day, he read 1 / 5 of the remaining pages and 6 pages
There are 54 pages left to read. How many pages does this storybook have? No equations,
A total of 120 pages. On the first day, I read 3 out of 8, leaving 5 out of 8. On the second day, I read 1 out of 5, which is 1 out of 8. Here I read 3 out of 8 plus 1 out of 8 = 4 out of 8 = half. What I didn't read was 6 pages + 54 pages = 60 pages. Therefore, this story book has 120 pages in total
120 pages in total.
The first day I read 3 / 8, and the rest 5 / 8. The next day: 5 / 8 times 4 / 5 equals 6 + 54 = 60
So 5 / 8x * 4 / 5 = 60. X=120
10 and 2 least common multiple and greatest common factor 24 and 4 least common multiple and greatest common factor 7 and 8 least common multiple and greatest common factor
6 and 10 minimum and maximum common factors
10 and 2 least common factor and greatest common factor: the least common factor is 10 and the greatest common factor is 2
24 and 4 least common multiple and greatest common factor: the least common multiple is 24 and the greatest common factor is 4
7 and 8 least common multiple and greatest common factor: the least common multiple is 56 and the greatest common factor is 1
The least common factors of 10 and 2 are 10 and the greatest common factor 2; 24 and 4, the least common factor 24 and the greatest common factor 4; 7 and 8, the least common factor 56 and the greatest common factor 1; 6 and 10, the least common factor 30 and the greatest common factor 2.
The least common multiple of 10 and 2 is 10, and the greatest common factor is 2
The least common multiple of 24 and 4 is 24, and the greatest common factor is 4.
The least common multiple of 7 and 8 is 56 and the greatest common factor is 1.
The least common multiple of 6 and 10 is 30 and the greatest common factor is 2
10, 2
24, 4
56, 1
30, 2
Which of the four seven digits of two and three zeros do not read zero
There are three: 2222000, 2222000
220, 200, 200, 200, 200
2002220 two million two hundred and twelve
two million two hundred and twenty-two thousand
220, 2200 little girls, they just found two
two million twenty thousand two hundred and two
two million two hundred and twenty-two thousand
two million two hundred and two thousand and two hundred
two million two thousand two hundred and twenty