The grain in warehouse A and warehouse B is the same weight. If the grain transported from warehouse A is two fifths of that transported from warehouse B, then after two times of transportation, the grain in warehouse B is just finished, and there are still 30 tons of grain left in warehouse A. how many tons of grain are there in the two warehouses?

The grain in warehouse A and warehouse B is the same weight. If the grain transported from warehouse A is two fifths of that transported from warehouse B, then after two times of transportation, the grain in warehouse B is just finished, and there are still 30 tons of grain left in warehouse A. how many tons of grain are there in the two warehouses?

Originally, there are:
30 ÷ (1-2 × 2 / 5) × 2 = 300 tons
At this time, how many tons of grain were stored in warehouse A and warehouse B? If there were two warehouses A and B, how many tons of grain were stored in warehouse A and warehouse B?
(110-10) △ 40% - 10, = 100 △ 0.4-10, = 250-10, = 240 (tons); answer: the original grain storage in warehouse B is 240 tons
The number a is 120, 3 / 8 of the number a is equal to 20% of the number B, so what's the number B
B = 120 * (3 / 8) / 0.2 = 45 / 0.2 = 225;
In the workshop, the number of male workers is twice that of female workers. If 18 male workers are transferred, the number of female workers is twice that of male workers. How many female workers are there in this workshop?
How many times the number of a and B is three times the number of a plus two times the number of B?
The number a is 140 and the number B is 260
240 for a and 360 for B
A + 120 = b
B + 360 = 3A question: please write the process clearly
The number of male workers in the workshop is twice that of female workers. If 18 male workers are transferred, the number of female workers is twice that of male workers. How many female workers are there?
Assuming that the number of male workers is x and the number of female workers is y, the formula is as follows:
There are 12 female workers and 24 male workers
There are x female workers and 2x male workers
The sum of a and B is 16.5, the decimal point of a moves one place to the right, which is exactly the number of B, and the number of a is ()
A. 15B. 1.5C. 8.75D. 11
A: the number of a is 1.5
The number of male workers in a workshop is twice that of female workers. If 18 male workers are transferred, the number of female workers is twice that of male workers. How many female workers are there in this workshop
There are x female workers in this workshop
There are 12 women workers in this workshop
There are female workers X and male workers 2x
A: there are 24 male workers and 12 female workers
There are x female workers in this workshop
A: there are 12 women workers in this workshop
A and B each have several yuan. If a increases by 40 yuan, a's money is twice that of B's. If b increases by 20 yuan, B's money is 56 yuan. How many yuan did a and B have?
Let B's money number be x yuan, then a's money number is 2x-40 yuan. According to the meaning of the question, we can get the equation: (2x-40) × 56 = x + 20, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 53x-1003 = x + 20, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 5x-100 = 3x + 60, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 2x = 160, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 80, then a's money is: 80 × 2 - 40 = 120 yuan. A: A has 120 yuan, B has 80 yuan
There are 240 workers in the workshop. The number of male workers is three times that of female workers?
Answer with multiple method
Answer with fraction method
Answer with proportion knowledge
If the number of male workers: the number of female workers = 3:1, then the number of male workers: the number of total workers = 3:4, the number of male workers = 240 * 3 / 4 = 180, and the number of female workers = the number of male workers / 3 = 80