If 24 tons of grain are transported from warehouse A to warehouse B, there will be two warehouses How many tons of grain were stored in warehouse B

If 24 tons of grain are transported from warehouse A to warehouse B, there will be two warehouses How many tons of grain were stored in warehouse B

If warehouse B has 5x tons of grain, warehouse A has 6x tons of grain
The solution is x = 48
There are 48 * 6 = 288 tons of grain in warehouse a
If 24 tons of grain are transported from warehouse A to warehouse B, then the grain quality of warehouse A and warehouse B is equal. How many tons of grain were stored in warehouse B?
24 × 2 △ 15 = 48 × 5 = 240 tons a: the original grain storage in warehouse B is 240 tons
There are several tons of grain in warehouse A and warehouse B. after 1 / 3 of the grain is transported from warehouse A to warehouse B, 2 / 5 of the grain is transported from warehouse B to warehouse A. at this time, the grain in warehouse B is 9 / 10 of that in warehouse A. how much of the grain in warehouse A is that in warehouse B?
Backward reduction
Later: a warehouse is 1, B warehouse is 9 / 10
Before transporting from warehouse B to warehouse A: warehouse B is 9 / 10 (1-2 / 5) = 3 / 2, warehouse A is 1 - (3 / 2-9 / 10) = 2 / 5
The original: warehouse a 2 / 5 (1-1 / 3) = 3 / 5, warehouse B 3 / 2 - (3 / 5-2 / 5) = 13 / 10
So the original grain of warehouse A is (3 / 5) / (13 / 10) = 6 / 13 of warehouse B
That's 6 out of 13
Have a good time
Later: a warehouse is 1, B warehouse is 9 / 10
Before transporting from warehouse B to warehouse A: warehouse B is 9 / 10 (1-2 / 5) = 3 / 2, warehouse A is 1 - (3 / 2-9 / 10) = 2 / 5
The original: warehouse a 2 / 5 (1-1 / 3) = 3 / 5, warehouse B 3 / 2 - (3 / 5-2 / 5) = 13 / 10
So the original grain of warehouse A is (3 / 5) / (13 / 10) = 6 / 13 of warehouse B
That's 6 out of 13
Now the ratio of a to B is 1:9 / 10 = 10:9
The ratio of a to B is 9 / 19 / (1-2 / 5) = 15:19
It turns out that a belongs to B: 15 / 34) / (1-1 / 3) = 45 / 68
Let a be x and B be y.
That is, the grain in warehouse A is 3 / 2 of that in warehouse B
There are two workshops in a factory. There are 40 people in workshop a and 32 people in workshop B. each worker is planned to produce the same number of parts. As a result, each worker in workshop B produces 12 more products than planned, and each worker in workshop a just completes the plan. If the number of products produced in workshop a and workshop B is the same, how many products has workshop a produced
Instead of solving the equation, use the formula
Suppose everyone needs to complete y pieces
The ratio of number a to number B is 1:5. Number B is 2 / 3 of number C. what is the ratio of number a, number B and number C
The ratio of a and B is 1:5 = 2:10
The ratio of ethylene to propylene is 2:3 = 10:15
So the ratio of a, B and C is 2:10:15
The ratio of a, B and C is as follows:
1: 5: (5 △ 2 / 3)
=1 :5 :7.5
=2 :10 :15
There are two workshops in a factory. The number of people in workshop a is 5 / 8 of that in workshop B. now eight people are transferred from workshop a to workshop B. at this time, workshop a is 1 / 2 of that in workshop B. now there are two workshops
How many people are there in each workshop?
It's a process, thank you
If there are 5 x workers in workshop a, there are 8 x workers in workshop B
5x = 60 (person)
8x = 96 (person)
5x-8 = 60-8 = 52 (person)
8x + 8 = 96 + 8 = 104 (person)
Now there are 52 people in workshop a and 104 people in workshop B
Mathematics problem a is 4 / 5 of B, B is 2 / 3 of C, how much is the ratio of a, B and C
There are two groups in a workshop. The ratio of the first group to the second group is 5:3. If 14 people in the first group go to the second group, the ratio of the first group to the second group is 1:2. How many people are there in the two groups?
14 (21 + 2 − 35 + 3), = 14 (23-38), = 14 (724), = 48 (people); 48 × 55 + 3 = 30 (people), 48-30 = 18 (people); a: there were 30 people in the first group and 18 people in the second group
The sum of the three numbers of a, B and C is 120. Among them, the sum of the numbers of a, B and C is three times that of C. A is 10 more than B, and each of the three numbers has its own number
The sum of a and B is three times that of C. C: 120 (3 + 1) = 30
Sum of a and B: 120-30 = 90
According to the fact that a is 10 more than B, the sum difference formula is used
A: (90 + 10) △ 2 = 50
B: 50-10 = 40
C 120 / (1 + 3) = 30
120-30 = 90
Then a 50, B 40, C 30
There are 180 people in workshop a and workshop B. 30 people are transferred from workshop a to workshop B. the ratio of the number of people in workshop a and workshop B is 2:3. How many people are there in workshop a
One hundred and two
Thank you!