At this time, how many tons of grain were stored in warehouse A and warehouse B? If there were two warehouses A and B, how many tons of grain were stored in warehouse A and warehouse B?

At this time, how many tons of grain were stored in warehouse A and warehouse B? If there were two warehouses A and B, how many tons of grain were stored in warehouse A and warehouse B?

(110-10) △ 40% - 10, = 100 △ 0.4-10, = 250-10, = 240 (tons); answer: the original grain storage in warehouse B is 240 tons
There were 40 tons and 59 tons of grain stored in warehouse A and warehouse B. in order to make the grain stored in warehouse B 8 times that of warehouse A, how much grain must warehouse a transport to warehouse B
There are 99 tons of grain in the two warehouses. The grain stored in warehouse B is eight times of that in warehouse A. that is to divide 99 tons of grain into (8 + 1) parts. Each part is 99 divided by 9, which is equal to 11 tons. That is to say, warehouse A has 11 tons, warehouse B has 8 parts of 88 tons, and warehouse B originally has 59 tons, and then it carries in 88 minus 59 to get 29 tons
The money ratio of Party A and Party B is 5:4. If Party A gives Party B 2 yuan, the money ratio of Party A and Party B is 8:7?
There are 240 workers in the workshop. The number of male workers is three times that of female workers?
Answer with fraction method
Male workers = 240 (1 + 1 / 3) = 180
Female workers = 240-180 = 60
The ratio of money saved by a and B is 9:5. They donate 48 yuan to a and 20 yuan to B. now they count the same amount of money. How much money does a have?
Let a have 9x and B have 5x
Then 9x-48 = 5x-20
We can get 4x = 28, x = 7
So it turned out that a had 63 yuan, B had 35 yuan, and after donation, a and B had 15 yuan each
1. There are 52 workers in a factory, one fourth of them are male workers, one less than one third of them are female workers. How many male and female workers are there in this workshop
2. The sum of subtraction, subtraction and difference is 156. The subtraction of this problem is ()
3. The product of the multiplication of the minimum prime number and the minimum natural number is smaller than that of the minimum sum ()
4. A six digit number is 8, a ten digit number is 6, and the sum of any adjacent three digits is 21. The six digit number is ()
5. It can be divided by four digits, the smallest is 3 and the largest is 9
( )
Formula calculation
What is the difference between 2 and 0.5 divided by the sum of 0.25 and three eighths?
What is the sum of 1.4 divided by the quotient of 2.8 and 2.8 times 0.5?
How much less is four fifths of what than the reciprocal of thirty percent of 270
How much is the quarter of one and a half less than the reciprocal of one and a third?
There are x male workers and Y female workers,
x+y=52 (1)
1/3y-1/4x=1 (2)
Male worker 28, female worker 24
2. The subtracted x, the subtracted y, and the difference Z
x-y=z (1)
x+y+z=156 (2)
From (1) we get x = Z + y
The minus is 78
The smallest prime of three is two
The smallest natural number is 0
The minimum sum is 4
So the answer is 4
4 abcd68
Ψ D + 6 + 8 = 21, d = 7, that is, the number of hundreds is 7
C + 7 + 6 = 21, C = 8, that is, the thousand digits is 8
By analogy, a = 7, B = 6
This six digit number is 768768
5 4x9y
4 + X + 9 + y = 15 (15 is the least common multiple of 3 and 5,)
That is, x + y = 2
In the first case, x0, Y2, but if 2 is a single digit, it cannot be divided by 5
In the second case, x1, Y1, but 1 can not be divided by 5 even if it is a single digit
In the third case, X2, Y0, 4290 are the smallest
1 (0.25+3/8)÷(2-0.5)
2 1.4÷2.8+2.8×0.5
The problem is not right ~ ~ ~ the condition is not enough
How can you type out this problem~~~~
1. Party A and Party B have a total of 120 yuan. If Party A gives Party B 20 yuan, then Party A and Party B have the same amount of money
2. A company's deposit in bank a and B is 20000 yuan in total. The annual interest rate of a deposit is 1.4% and that of B deposit is 1.98%. After one year, the company will get 367 yuan of pre tax interest. How much is the deposit of a and B? Set up an unknown number and list the equation
1. A 80, B 40
2. A is X
There are 52 students in a class, 14 boys are less than 13 girls. How many boys and girls are there?
Suppose there are x boys, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 14x = 13 × (52-x) - 1, & nbsp; & nbsp; 14x = 523-13x-1, & nbsp; 14x + 13X = 493-13x + 13X, 712x △ 712 = 493 △ 712, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 28, 52-28 = 24; a: there are 28 boys and 24 girls
A and B have a total of 120 yuan. If a gives B 20 yuan, then a and B have the same amount of money. How much did a originally have? (equations only)
Let a have X elements, then: x + (x-40) = 120 or x-20 = 1202
There are 94 workers in a workshop, among which 4 / 1 of male workers are less than 3 / 1 of female workers. How many are male and female workers
Let X be male worker and y be female worker
x=52 y=42
There are 52 male workers and 42 female workers
They were divided into seven groups, including four groups for men and three groups for women. There were more women in each group than men in each group. Subtracting three more women than each group of men from the total, the rest were divided into seven groups on average
(94-3) / 7 = 91 / 7 = 13 (male)
A total of 13x4 = 52 men
Women have (13 + 1) X3 = 42
They were divided into seven groups, including four groups for men and three groups for women. There were more women in each group than men in each group. Subtracting three more women than each group of men from the total, the rest were divided into seven groups on average
(94-3) / 7 = 91 / 7 = 13 (male)
A total of 13x4 = 52 men
Women have (13 + 1) X3 = 42
Male 52, female 42