Length and width are natural numbers. How many rectangles with different shapes have an area of 180 square centimeters?

Length and width are natural numbers. How many rectangles with different shapes have an area of 180 square centimeters?

Length and width are natural numbers. There are nine rectangles of different shapes with an area of 180 square centimeters
Two fifths of the grain stored in warehouse A is equal to three fifths of the grain stored in warehouse B. how much more grain is stored in warehouse A than in warehouse B?
Let a be x and B be y
So, 2x / 5 = 3Y / 5,
That is to say, a is 1.5 times as much as B,
If the total number is 1, then a is 3 / 5 and B is 2 / 5,
So we know: A is 1 / 5 more than B
If you think it's good, take it!
There are two workshops a and B in a factory. It is known that there are 360 workers in a workshop, and now they are transferred from 25% workers in B workshop to other jobs.
There are two workshops a and B in a factory. It is known that there are 360 workers in a workshop. Now that 25% of the workers in the workshop are transferred to other jobs, the number of people left in the workshop is exactly the same as those in a workshop. How many workers have been transferred in the workshop?
Number of transferred workers in workshop B = 360 / (1-1 / 4) - 360 = 120
The average of numbers a and B is 30, the average of numbers B and C is 34, and the average of numbers a and C is 32
(30 × 2 + 34 × 2 + 32 × 2) △ 2 △ 3 = (60 + 68 + 64) △ 2 △ 3 = 192 △ 2 △ 3 = 96 △ 3 = 32 A: the average of a, B and C is 32
There are two workshops a and B in a factory. It is known that there are 360 workers in a workshop, and now they are transferred from the workers in the workshop to 25%.
At this time, the number of people left in workshop B is just equal to that in workshop A. if the workers in workshop a are also transferred by 20%, 1. How many workers are transferred in workshop B, 2. How many people are left in the two workshops
1. Transfer of workshop B: 360 ÷ (1-25%) - 360 = 480-360 = 120 (person)
2. Now there are two workshops left: 360 × (1-20%) + 360 = 288 + 360 = 648 (people)
1. Original number of people in workshop B: 360 (1-25%) = 480
Transfer of workshop B: 480-360 = 120 people
2. A: 360 × (1-20%) = 288
B. There are 360 people left
There are 288 + 360 = 648 people left in the two workshops
The average of a and B is 25. The average of a, B, C and C is 24. What is C
A + B = 2x25 = 50
A + B + C = 24x3 = 72
So C = 72-50 = 22
A + B = 2x25 = 50, the sum of two numbers a and B is 25 * 2, while the sum of three numbers a, B, C and C is 72
A + B + C = 24x3 = 72 A C, so C is 22
So C = 72-50 = 22
Hope to help you
Party A and Party B have two workshops. If 15 people are transferred from workshop a to workshop B, the number of people in the two workshops will be equal. Now, due to work needs, 30 people are transferred from workshop B to workshop a, so that the number of people in the workshop is half of that in workshop A. how many people are there in workshop a and workshop B
If you draw a line diagram, you can find that a has 30 more people than B. This is the result of B's transfer of 30 people. A total of 30 people are increased by 30 people. A total of 90 people are more than B. for a 90 × 3 share, a total of 270 people are obtained
A; (270 + 30) △ 2 = 150
B 270-150 = 120
There are x people in workshop B and X-30 people in workshop a
So X-30 = (X-30 + 30) times half
So there were 30 people in workshop a and 60 people in workshop B
There are x people in workshop B and X + 30 people in workshop a
The average number of a and B is 25, the average number of a, B and C is 27, then the number of C is 25(
A 29 B 30 C 31
The average of a and B is 25
Then the sum of a and B is 50
The average of a and B is 27
So the sum of a, B and C is 27 × 3 = 81
So C = (a + B + C) - (a + b) = 81-50 = 31
The original number of people in the two workshops was equal. Due to work needs, 15 people were transferred from workshop a to workshop B. at this time, the number of people in workshop a was 1 / 4 of that in workshop B
How many people are there in Beijing?
25000 in the first quarter, 50000 in the second quarter, 60000 in the third quarter and 45000 in the fourth quarter
How many percent more tourists do you receive in a quarter than at least?
15 × 2 = 30 persons
Now there are: 30 (1-1 / 4) = 40
A: at most, the number of tourists received in a quarter is 140% more than that at least
15 + 1 = 16
16 × 0.25 = 4 persons
1. The ratio of a, B and C is 5:3:4, and a is 20. How much less is B than C?
2. For a barrel of gasoline, one fifth of it was used for the first time, 30 kg was used for the second time, and the sum of the previous two times was used for the third time. Finally, there were 24 kg left. How many kg of the original barrel of gasoline?
3. The figure below is a rectangle. The ratio of the width of the upper and lower rectangles divided by line AB is 3:5. The area of the shadow triangle in the figure is 15 square centimeters. Please find the area of the original rectangle. Please help me to calculate it, no matter how much you make
Question 8: for the original batch of chemical fertilizer in the warehouse, 12.5 tons were taken out for the first time, and the second one was 5% more than the first one. The chemical fertilizer taken out twice was just 15% of the total. How many tons of fertilizer are there in the warehouse?
1. A: 5 + 3 + 4 = 23
92x3 / 23 = 12 (b)
92x4 / 23 = 16 (c)
16-12 = 4, that is, the number of B is less than that of C by 4
2. (24 + 30 + 30) / (1-1 / 5-1 / 5) = 140 (kg)
The barrel of petrol is 140 kilos
3. What about the picture?
1. The number of B is 4 less than that of C
The barrel of gasoline is 140 kg
3. No picture
1. 20 / 5 * (4-3) = 4, the number of B is 4 less than that of C
2、X-1/5X-30-1/5X-30=24 X=140kg
3. What about the picture
1,20 / b = 5 / 3 B = 12
20 / C = 5 / 4 C = 16
So number B is four less than number C
2. Suppose the barrel of gasoline is x kg,
X-1/5X-30-(1/5X+30)=24 X=140