A natural number greater than 10, divided by 3 over 1, divided by 5 over 2, divided by 11 over 7, what is the minimum natural number that meets the condition? It's a process

A natural number greater than 10, divided by 3 over 1, divided by 5 over 2, divided by 11 over 7, what is the minimum natural number that meets the condition? It's a process

Multiply the remainder divided by 3 by 55, multiply the remainder divided by 5 by 66, and multiply the remainder divided by 11 by 45. If it exceeds 165, subtract 165:
The minimum natural number satisfying the condition is 7;
The next natural number to satisfy the condition is 172
Next one
One hundred and seventy-two
The length and width of a rectangle are different natural numbers. The area of a rectangle is 165. How many different shapes does the rectangle have?
I'm in a hurry
Factor of 165: 1 × 165,3 × 55,5 × 33,11 × 15 (four kinds)
There are four ways to multiply common 165 by two natural numbers, that is, 1x165, 3x55, 5x33, 11x15.
The ratio of people in workshop a and workshop B is 3:5. If workshop a transfers 150 people to workshop B, the ratio of people in workshop a and workshop B is 3:7. How many people are there in each workshop
There is a formula
Set 3x for workshop a and 5x for workshop B
Then (3x-150): (5x + 150) = 3:7
The solution of X is 250, that is 750 in workshop a and 1250 in workshop B
A 750 B 1250
The average number of a and B is 21, the average number of a and C is 22.5, the average number of B and C is 24, what are the numbers of a, B and C?
Let a be x, B be y and C be Z, then:
X+Y=21*2=42 (1)
X+Z=22.5*2=45 (2)
Y+Z=24*2=48 (3)
By adding the above three formulas, we can get the following results:
That is, x + y + Z = 67.5 (4)
Subtract (1), (2) and (3) from (4) respectively
(a + b) / 2 = 21
(a + C) / 2 = 22.5
(c + b) / 2 = 24
A + B = 42
A + C = 45
C + B = 48
A = 19.5
B = 22.5
C = 25.5
A + B = 42 - (1)
A + C = 45 - (2)
B + C = 48 - (3)
(2) - (1) get: C-B = 3 - - (4)
(3) - (4) get 2 b = 45
B = 22.5
A: 42-22.5 = 19.5
B: 22.5
C: 45-19.5 = 25.5
There are 150 people in the two workshops from a to B. at this time, the number of people in workshop a is 2 / 3 of that in workshop B. how many people are there in the original name of workshop a and workshop B
At present, the number of people in workshop B = 150 (1 + 2 / 3) = 90
The original number of people in workshop B = 90-50 = 40
The original number of workshop a = 150-40 = 110
The average number of a, B and C is 21; the average number of a and C is 22.5; the average number of B and C is 24?
The sum of a and B: 21 × 2 = 42, the sum of a and C: 22.5 × 2 = 45, the sum of B and C: 24 × 2 = 48, the sum of a, B and C: (42 + 45 + 48) △ 2 = 67.5, a: 67.5-48 = 19.5, B: 67.5-45 = 22.5, C: 67.5-42 = 25.5
There are 150 people in the two workshops. If 50 people are transferred from other places to workshop 1, the number of people in workshop 1 is 2 / 3 of that in workshop 2. How many people are there in workshop 2?
There are 150 people in the two workshops. If 50 people are transferred from other places to workshop 1, the total number of people in the two workshops is 150 + 50 = 200
The number of people in the first workshop is 2 / 3 of that in the second workshop, which means that the number of people in the first workshop: the number of people in the second workshop = 2:3
So there were 200 × 3 / (2 + 3) = 120 people in the second workshop
If there were x people in the second workshop, there would be 150-x people in the first workshop
So there were 120 people in the second workshop
If there were x people in the second workshop, then
X = 120 (person)
There are three numbers. The average number of a and B is 21.5, the average number of B and C is 22.5, the average number of a and C is 16
A + B + C = 21.5 + 22.5 + 16 = 60
C = 60-2 * 21.5 = 17
A = 60-2 * 22.5 = 15
B = 60-2 * 16 = 28
[mathematics] the ratio of the number of people in workshop a and workshop B is 5:7,
Now the ratio of workshop a to workshop B is 4:5. How many people were there in workshop a?
The ratio of people in workshop a and workshop B is 5:7. After 10 people are transferred from workshop B to workshop a, the ratio of people in workshop a and workshop B is 4:5. How many people were there in workshop a?
The ratio of the number of people in the two workshops is 5:7, so Party A accounts for 5 / 12 of the total
After the transfer of 10 people from workshop B to workshop a, the ratio of workshop a to workshop B is 4 to 5, so workshop a accounts for 4 / 9 of the total
The number of 10 people in the total is 4 / 9-5 / 12 = 16 / 36-15 / 36 = 1 / 36
Total number of people in two workshops: 10 △ 1 / 36 = 360
The original number of workshop a: 360 × 5 / 12 = 150 people
There were 5x people in workshop a
There were 150 people in workshop a
There are three numbers of a, B and C. The average number of a, B and C is 21.5, the average number of B and C is 22.5, and the average number of a and C is 16?
Please answer in detail, thank you~~~
Simple equation of grade five in primary school~~·
Urgent ~ ~ ~ please set X to answer~~~
So a + B + C = 120 / 2 = 60
So C = 60-21.5 * 2 = 17
A = 60-22.5 * 2 = 15
B = 60-16 * 2 = 28
The equation is not easy to do!
x +y = 43
y+z = 45
x+z = 32
Triple addition
x+y+z = 60
Subtract again
x = 15
y = 28
z = 4
A: the three numbers are 15, 28 and 4
Let a be x, B be (43-x), C be (32-x)
Study hard, come on
Let a a, B, C
The results are as follows
The above can be explained directly:
I build the equation through C
Let a be X. from the average of a and B is 21.5, B is 21.5 * 2-x = 43-x, the average of B and C is 22.5, C is 22.5 * 2 - (43-x) = 2 + X, so a + C = x + (2 + x) = 16 * 2, the solution is x = 15, B is 43-15 = 28, C is 15 + 2 = 17