Simplify and evaluate the 2N-1 power of (a-b) - 2 (B-A) - 2 / 3 (B-A) - 1 / 2 (a-b) - 2N-1 power of (a-b) Where A-B = - 1, n is a positive integer

Simplify and evaluate the 2N-1 power of (a-b) - 2 (B-A) - 2 / 3 (B-A) - 1 / 2 (a-b) - 2N-1 power of (a-b) Where A-B = - 1, n is a positive integer

2N-1 power of (a-b) - 2 (B-A) - 2 / 3 (B-A) - 2N-1 power of (a-b) - 1 / 2 (a-b)
=2n power of (a-b) + 2N-1 power of 2 (a-b) - 2 / 3 (a-b) - 2n power of 1 / 2 (a-b) - 2N-1 power of 2 (a-b)
=2n power of 1 / 3 (a-b) + 2N-1 power of 3 / 2 (a-b)
Note: 2n is even and 2N-1 is odd
The 2nth power of (a-b) = the 2nth power of (B-A)
2N-1 power of (B-A) = (a-b) 2N-1 power
The 2nth power of (- 1) = 1
2N-1 power of (- 1) = - 1
Let A-B = - 1, B-A = 1 generation algebra
Any power of 1 is equal to odd power of 1 - 1 = - 1, even power = 1
2N-1 power of (a-b) - 2 (B-A) - 2 / 3 (B-A) - 2N-1 power of (a-b) - 1 / 2 (a-b)
=The 2nth power of (- 1) - 2 (1) - 2 / 3 (1) - 1 / 2 (- 1) - 2N-1
If a binomial is multiplied by another binomial, the number of terms of the product is? Before merging the terms of the same kind?
4 items
Degenerate evaluation: the second power of 5A, the second power of b-7ab, the second power of 8a, the second power of b-9a, where a = 3, B = 6
The second power of 5A the second power of b-7ab the second power of 8A the second power of b-9a
In the following statements, the correct one is ()
A. The result of multiplication of a monomial by a monomial is still a monomial. B. when a monomial is multiplied by a polynomial, the number of terms of the product is the number of terms of the polynomial plus 1C. When a polynomial is multiplied by a polynomial, the number of terms of the product is the sum of the number of terms of two polynomials. D. when two monomials are multiplied, the letters contained in each factor will appear in the result
A. If you multiply a monomial by a monomial, the result is still a monomial, which is correct; B. If you multiply a monomial by a polynomial, the number of items in the product is the number of items in the polynomial, which is wrong; C. If you multiply a polynomial by a polynomial, the number of items in the product is not necessarily the sum of the number of items in two polynomials, which is wrong; D. if you multiply two monomials, all the letters contained in each factor will be in the result This option is wrong, so select a
Reduction: (- 3B / 2A & # 178;) - 2 power
The - 2 power of (- 3B / 2A & # 178;)
=The fourth power of 4A / 9b & # 178;
- 2 power of (- 3B / 2A & # 178;)
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Is the number of terms obtained by multiplication of a monomial and a polynomial the same as that of the polynomial in the original formula?
The number of terms obtained by multiplication of a monomial and a polynomial is equal to that of the polynomial in the original formula
Let's take x (x + 1) as an example and multiply it by a polynomial. There are two terms in the polynomial
It is also a polynomial of two terms
The third power of (- 2a to the third power of B to the second power of C) / (3a to the second power of B to the third power of B) + (- A to the fourth power of C) (- 2Ac to the second power) is simplified
(- 2a to the power of 3, B to the power of 2, c) / (3a to the power of 2, B to the power of 3) + (- A to the power of 4, c) (- 2Ac to the power of 2)
=-8A to the 9th power, B to the 6th power, C to the 3rd power △ 3A & # 178; B & # 179; + 2a to the 5th power, C & # 179;
=-7 power of 8 / 3A B & # 179; C & # 179; 5 power of + 2A C & # 179;
Division of different base powers, such as: the 10th power of 5 multiplied by the 5th power of 25
From 5 ^ 10 × 25 ^ 5 = 5 ^ 10 × 5 ^ 10 = 5 ^ 20
From 5 ^ 10 to 25 ^ 5
Rule: turn different bottoms into the same bottoms,
If the base number remains unchanged, exponentially add (or subtract),
If you can't convert the base number to the same, you can't use this rule
^On behalf of the power The fifth power of 25 is changed into the tenth power of 5. At this time, it becomes the multiplication of the same base power
Equal to 1.25, equal to 5, the fifth power of 25 is equal to the tenth power of 5
Multiply or divide?
5 to the 10th power multiplied by 25 to the 5th power
5 to the 10th power divided by 25 to the 5th power
Given that a and B satisfy a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 + 4a-8b + 20 = 0, try to decompose (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2) - (B + ax)
Given that a and B are two real roots of the equation X2 - (2k + 1) x + K (K + 1) = 0, then the minimum value of A2 + B2 is______ .
From the meaning of the title, we know that a + B = 2K + 1, ab = K (K + 1) | A2 + B2 = (a + b) 2-2ab = (2k + 1) 2-2k (K + 1) = 4k2 + 4K + 1-2k2-2k = 2k2 + 2K + 1 = 2 (K + 12) 2 + 12, and the minimum value of | A2 + B2 is 12