It is known that 3x minus 4x is equal to 6, and Y is equal to 6 in the formula of X We know that 3x minus 4Y is equal to 6, and we use the formula of X to express that y is equal to 6 3x-4y = 6 is expressed by the formula of X; y=

It is known that 3x minus 4x is equal to 6, and Y is equal to 6 in the formula of X We know that 3x minus 4Y is equal to 6, and we use the formula of X to express that y is equal to 6 3x-4y = 6 is expressed by the formula of X; y=

There is no relation between Y and X, so we can't find it. If the title is wrong, please take a closer look
3x-4y = 6, so 4Y = 3x-6, so y = 3 / 4x-3 / 2
(- 2A squared b) to the third power = - 8A to the sixth power, B to the third power
The third power of (the square of X, the fourth power of Y) = the sixth power of X, the twelfth power of Y
The square of (- x) × (the third power of X, y) = the eighth power of X, the second power of Y
The 7th power of (- AB) = the 7th power of - AB
Which is wrong?
The 7th power of (- AB) = - AB is wrong
If you don't understand this question, you can ask,
Factorization examples
Cross phase multiplication, group decomposition, 10 questions each
Ten questions of cross multiplication:
2X²+3x+1; 6X²-5x-6; X²+5x+6; 6X²-14x+8; X²-x-6; 5X²+9x-2; 7X²+2x-5; 4X²+x-14; 3X²-5x-2;
Ten questions of group decomposition method:
X²-xy+6x-6y; 8X²-6x+12xy-9y; 2X²-5x+2xy-5y; X²-2x+2xy-14y; X²y+13y-7X²-91; X²-6x+5xy-30y;
20xy+12x-5y-3; 3X²-3x-2xy+2y; 8X²-20xy-15y-6x; 3X²+18x-42y-7xy.
(x + 13) (Y-7)
(x + 13) (X-Y)
(X-3) (X+6)
(y + 3) (X-5)
(X-5) (x + 6)
(x-3) (y + 3)
When x is equal to what number, the value of formula 4x plus 2 is equal to that of formula 3x-9
Ask a question about the set: given the set a = {a, a + B, a + 2B}, B = {a, AC, AC square}, and a = B, find the value of C
If a + B = AC, a + 2B = AC ^ 2, then B = AC-A, 2b = AC ^ 2-a
Comparing the two formulas, C + 1 = 2, C = 1, then B = 0
So a + B = AC ^ 2, a + 2B = AC, C = - 1 / 2
Factorization exercises
Factoring the square of 1-x
This mainly uses the square difference formula: A & # 178; - B & # 178; = (a + b) (a-b)
If a - (x-3) = 4x & # 178; - 3x, then a=
If { x = { - 178; - - 3, then { x = { - 178
Given the set a = {a, a + B, a + 2B}, B = {a, AC, ac2}. If a = B, find the value of real number C
If a + B = ACA + 2B = ac2 {a + ac2-2ac = 0, then a (C-1) 2 = 0, that is, a = 0 or C = 1. When a = 0, all the elements in set B are 0, so they are rounded off; when C = 1, all the elements in set B are the same, so they are rounded off. If a + B = AC2A + 2B = AC {2ac2-ac-a = 0. Because a ≠ 0, so 2c2-c-1 = 0, that is, (C-1) (2C + 1) = 0. And C ≠ 1, so only C = - 12 C = - 12
Find the factorization of a problem,
Known: 3x & # 178; + 4xy + Y & # 178; - 4x + 4 = 0, find the value of X, y