300 factoring exercises in grade one of junior high school 300, I'm really in a hurry, (x+2)(x-3)+(x+2)(x+4) 150 will do Hebei Education Press

300 factoring exercises in grade one of junior high school 300, I'm really in a hurry, (x+2)(x-3)+(x+2)(x+4) 150 will do Hebei Education Press

(1) The fourth power of a + A & # 178; + 1
=(3x -... Unfold)
(1) The fourth power of a + A & # 178; + 1
(5) 7A & # 179; x-28a (fifth power of x)
=(x + 1) (x + 2) (x + 4) (x-1) fold up
That's too much
How does y = (2x & # 178; + 3) (3x-2) multiply the third power of y = 6x - 4x & # 178; + 9x-6
The square of (a + 2b) - the square of C
And then there's the square of (x squared-3) - 36
9 out of 25 - (X-Y) squared
Square of (x + y) - (x-z)
The square of (a + 2b) - the square of C = (a + 2B + C) (a + 2b-c) (the square of x-3) - the square of 36 = (X & # 178; - 3 + 6) (X & # 178; - 3-6) = (X & # 178; + 3) (x + 3) (x-3) the square of 9 / 25 - (X-Y) = (3 / 5 + X-Y) (3 / 5-x + y) (x + y) - (x-z) = (x + y + x-z) (x + Y-X + Z) = (...)
(a + 2B + C) (a + 2b-c).. Process --
In urgent need of junior one (factorization) exercises. Hebei Province
Exercises on factorization
  ).10a(x-y)2-5b(y-x) (2).an+1-4an+4an-1
  (3).x3(2x-y)-2x+y (4).x(6x-1)-1
  (5).2ax-10ay+5by+6x (6).1-a2-ab-14 b2
  *(7).a4+4 (8).(x2+x)(x2+x-3)+2
  (9).x5y-9xy5 (10).-4x2+3xy+2y2
  (11).4a-a5 (12).2x2-4x+1
  (13).4y2+4y-5 (14)3X2-7X+2
  、- m2 – n2 + 2mn + 1 2、(a + b)3d – 4(a + b)2cd+4(a + b)c2d
  3. (x + a)2 – (x – a)2 4.
  5. –x5y – xy +2x3y 6. x6 – x4 – x2 + 1
  7. (x +3) (x +2) +x2 – 9 8. (x –y)3 +9(x – y) –6(x – y)2
  a2bm+3-2abm+2+bm+1 (17)m4+4m2-5 (18)-a2+1+2ab-b2 (19)(x2+7x+2)2-16(20)(ab+1)2-(a+b)2 (21)12 x4-2x2y2+2y4
1. Fill in the blanks (2 points for each question, 32 points in total)
1. Factor is 9x2-1=_________________ , 4x2-4x+1=_________________ .
  a4-b4=_________________ , an+2-an=____________________
2. If the polynomial x2 + MX + 36 is a complete square, then M=_____________ .
3. The polynomial x2 + ax + B can be factorized into (x-1) (x + 3), then a=_______ , b=______ .
4. If x = 3, the value of polynomial x3-4x2-9x + m is 0, then M=_________ The result of factorization of polynomials is_______________________ .
2. Multiple choice questions (3 points for each question, 18 points in total)
10. The following deformations from left to right belong to factorization ( )
  (A)(a+3)(a-3)=a2-9 (B)4a2+4a+3=(2a+1)2+2
  (C)x2-1=(x+1)(x-1) (D)-2m(m2-3m+1)=-2m3+6m2-2m
11. For the following formulas, the number of polynomials that can be decomposed by the complete square factor is ( )
  ①-a2-b2+2ab ②a2-ab+b2 ③a2-a+14 ④4a2+4a-1
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
12. When factoring polynomial 3xy + 6y2-x-2y, the number of factoring is correct ( )
  ①3xy+6y2-x-2y =(3xy-x)+(6y2-2y)
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
  9. (a2 + b2 –1 )2 – 4a2b2 10. (ax + by)2 + (bx – ay)2
Which of the following polynomials contains the factor of 2x + 3 (1) 2x3 + 3 (2) 4x2-9 (3) 6x2-11x + 3 (4) 2x2 + X + 3
Which of the following is the factor of 2x2-11x-21? (1) (X-6) (2) (x + 7) (3) (2x-3) (4) (2x + 3)
() 3. Which of the following is the factor of a × C + B × C (1) a + B × C (2) a + B (3) a + C (4) C + B
(1) x + 2 (2) X-2 (3) x2-4 (4) x2
(1) A2 + B2 (2) a + B (3) A-B (4) A2-B2
(1) (- A + b) 2 = a2-2ab + B2 (2) (a-b) (a + b) = A2-B2 (3) (a-b) 2 = a2-2ab-b2 (4) (4 + 3) 2 = 42 + 8 × 3 + 32
(1) 2x-3 (2) x + 7 (3) X-7 (4) 2x + 7
() 8. Which of the following is the common factor of 2x2 + 3x + 1 and 4x2-4x-3? (1) x + 1 (2) x + 2 (3) 2x-3 (4) 2x + 1
() 9. Factorization (a + 2) 2-3 (a + 2) = (1) (a + 2) (A-3) (2) (a + 2) (a + 3) (3) (a + 2) (a + 1) (4) (a + 2) (A-1)
(1) A2-B2 = (a-b) 2 (2) a2-2ab + B2 = (a + b) (a-b) (3) A2 + 2Ab + B2 = (a + b) 2 (4) A2 + B2 = (a + b) (a-b)
() 11. Factorization 9x2-1 = (1) (9x + 1) (9x-1) (2) (3x-1) 2 (3) (3x + 1) (3x-1) (4) (9x-1) 2
If 5x2-7x-6 = (5x + a) (x + b), then (1) a = - 3 (2) B = - 2 (3) AB = 6 (4) a + B = 5
If M < 0, n > 0, then (1) a > 0, B > 0 (2) a < 0, B < 0 (3) a > 0, B < 0 (4) a < 0, B > 0
(1) 5x-2 (2) 15x + 2 (3) 3x-1 (4) 3x + 1
Which of the following is the factor of (x-4) (X-5) - 42? (1) X-2 (2) x + 11 (3) X-11 (4) x + 3
(1) ABCD = 25 (2) a + B + C + D = 24 (3) if a = 1, CD = 6 (4) if a = 1, d = - 1
(1) (4a-1) 2 (2) (2a-1) 2 (3) (4a + 1) (4a-1) (4) (2a + 1) (2a-1)
X 2 + y 2 is equal to (1) (x + y) 2 (2) (x + y) 2 + 2XY (3) (X-Y) 2 + 2XY (4) (X-Y) 2-2xy
() 19. You can make a rectangle (x + 4) cm in length and (1) (2x + 1) cm (2) (x + 3) cm (3) (2x + 4) cm (4) (2x + 2) cm in width by using 2 pieces of square with side length of xcm, 9 pieces of rectangle with side length of X, 1cm and 4 pieces of square with side length of 1cm
() 20. Which of the following is the factor of 2x2 + 3x + 1 and 4x2-4x-3? (1) 2x-1 (2) 2x + 1
  (3)2x-3 (4)x+1.
(1) 3x + 5 (2) 3x-5 (3) 9x + 5 (4) 9x2-25
() 22. Factorization x2-3x + 2 = (x + a) (a + b) then (1) a + B = 3 (2) a > 0, B < 0
  (3)ab=-2 (4)a>0,b>0.
(1) x2 + 5x + 6 (2) x2-5x-6 (3) x2 + 5x-6 (4) x2-5x + 6
(- x + y) 2 is equivalent to (1) - (X-Y) 2 (2) (X-Y) 2 (3) (x + y) 2 (4) (- X-Y) 2
If x + y = - 5, X-Y = 15, then x2-y2 = (1) - 5 (2) - 1 (3) - 15 (4) 1
If a < 0, B < 0, then (1) P > 0 (2) Q < 0 (3) PQ > 0 (4) Q > 0
If (X-5) 2 - (X-5) - 12 can be decomposed into (x + a) (x + b), then a + B is equal to (1) - 11 (2) 9 (3) 11 (4) - 9
What is the following formula for Ax CX by + CY + BX ay? (1) (X-Y) (a-b-c)
  (2)(x+y)(a+b-c) (3)(x-y)(a-b+c) (4)(x-y)(a+b-c).
() 29. Which of the following is true? (1) x2 + 2aX + x = x (x + 2a) (2) 2x2-8 = x2-4 = (X-2) (x + 2) (3) 36x2-84x + 49 = (7-6x) 2 (4) x2-6 = (X-2) (x + 3)
2. Fill in questions
1. If 2x3 + 3x2 + MX + 1 is a multiple of X + 1, then M =
2. Factorization 3a3b2c-6a2b2c2 + 9ab2c3 =
3. Factorization XY + 6-2x-3y =
4. Factorization X2 (X-Y) + Y2 (Y-X) =
5. Factorization 2x2 - (a-2b) x-ab =
6. Factorization a4-9a2b2 =
7. If it is known that X3 + 3x2-4 contains the factor of X-1, try to decompose X3 + 3x2-4 =
8. Factorization AB (x2-y2) + XY (A2-B2) =
9. Factorization (x + y) (a-b-c) + (X-Y) (B + C-A) =
10. Factorization a2-a-b2-b =
11. Factorization (3a-b) 2-4 (3a-b) (a + 3b) + 4 (a + 3b) 2 =
12. Factorization (a + 3) 2-6 (a + 3) =
13. Factorization (x + 1) 2 (x + 2) - (x + 1) (x + 2) 2 =
14. If 2 × 4 × (32 + 1) × (34 + 1) × (38 + 1) × (316 + 1) = 3n-1, find n =
15. Using the square difference formula, find the standard decomposition formula 4891 =
Is 16.2x + 1 a factor of 4x2 + 5x-1
17. If 6x2-7x + m is a multiple of 2x-3, then M =
18. The common factor of x2 + 2x + 1 and X2 - 1 is
19. If x + 2 is the factor of x 2 + k x - 8, find k =
20. If 4x2 + 8x + 3 is a multiple of 2x + 1, factorize 4x2 + 8x + 3 =
21.2x + 1 is the factor of 4x2 + 8x + 3. Please factorize 4x2 + 8x + 3 =
22. (1) x + 2 (2) x + 4 (3) x + 6 (4) X-6 (5) x2 + 2x3 + 24 which is the factor of x2-2x-24
23. Factorize the following formulas:
  (1)abc+ab-4a= .
  (2)16x2-81= .
  (3)9x2-30x+25= .
  (4)x2-7x-30= .
24. If x 2 + ax-12 = (x + b) (X-2), where a and B are integers, then AB =
25. Please fill in the appropriate number in the space: x2-16x + = (x -) 2
26. Factorize the following formulas:
  (1)xy-xz+x= ;(2)6(x+1)-y(x+1)=
  (3)x2-5x-px+5p= ;(4)15x2-11x-14=
27. Let 7x2-19x-6 = (7x + a) (bx-3), and a, B be integers, then 2A + B =
28. Expand 99982-4 =
29. Calculate the value of (1.99) 2-4 × 1.99 + 4 as
30. If x 2 + ax-12 can be decomposed into (x + 6) (x + b), and a and B are integers, then a + B =
31. Given that 9x2 MX + 25 = (3x-n) 2 and N is a positive integer, then M + n =
32. If 2x3 + 11x2 + 18x + 9 = (x + 1) (AX + 3) (x + b), then A-B =
34. Fill in the appropriate number to make it a complete square expression 4x2-20x +
35. Factorization x2-25 =
36. Factorization x2-20x + 100 =
37. Factorization x2 + 4x + 3 =
38. Factorization 4x2-12x + 5 =
39. Factorize the following formulas:
  (1)3ax2-6ax= .
  (2)x(x+2)-x= .
  (3)x2-4x-ax+4a= .
  (4)25x2-49= .
  (5)36x2-60x+25= .
  (6)4x2+12x+9= .
  (7)x2-9x+18= .
  (8)2x2-5x-3= .
  (9)12x2-50x+8= .
40. Factorization (x + 2) (x-3) + (x + 2) (x + 4) =
41. Factorization 2ax2-3x + 2ax-3 =
42. Factorization 9x2-66x + 121 =
43. Factorization 8-2x2 =
44. Factorization x2-x + 14 =
45. Factor