(2a + b) (2a-3b) + a (2a + b) factorization,

(2a + b) (2a-3b) + a (2a + b) factorization,

Original formula = (2a + b) (2a-3b) + a (2a + b)
Factoring mathematical problems
A ^ 4 * B ^ 4-C ^ 4 factorization
What is the third power of (- X-Y)
= -x³-3x²y-3xy²-y³
If it is adopted correctly,
It is equal to - X Cubic power - y cubic power - 3x & # 178; y-3xy & # 178;
You can look at the Yanghui triangle. It's about this. It's very useful
2a-b = 3, find the square of (b-2a) - 4A + 2B + 2008
The square of 2011 b-2a 9 - 2 {2a-b}
Ask the factorization problem
(1) X ^ 2-2 * radical 2 * X-6
(2) x^4-7*x^2+12
(3) a^4*b^4-10*a^2*b^2=25
(1) If we move the factor outside the following sign in B-A / 1 under the root sign of the quadratic radical (a-b) * into the root sign, the result is ()
A-B B B-A C - A-B D - B-A
(2) When x (), 3x ^ 2 + 2 / 1 under the root of the formula is meaningful
(3) If root 30 = A and root 3 = B, then root 1000 is expressed as ()
Ah, be kind and help me!
1. Because 6 = root 2 × 3 root 2, it is decomposed into: (x-3 root 2) (x + root 2) 2. = (x ^ 2-3) (x ^ 2-4) = (x + root 3) (x + 2) (X-2) 3. = (a ^ 2B ^ 2-5) ^ 2 = (AB + root 5) ^ 2 (ab - root 5) ^ 24. D5. X is any real number
(1) = (x + radical 2) (x-3 * radical 2);
(2) = (x ^ 2-3) (x ^ 2-4) = (x-radical 3) (x + radical 3) (X-2) (x + 2));
(3) = (a ^ 2 * B ^ 2-5) ^ 2-50 = [(a ^ 2 * B ^ 2-5) - 5 * radical 2] [(a ^ 2 * B ^ 2-5) + 5 * radical 2]
(1) B-A = - radical (B-A) ^ 3 under = - (B-A) * radical
(2) X is any real number
(3) Root 1... Expand
(1) = (x + radical 2) (x-3 * radical 2);
(2) = (x ^ 2-3) (x ^ 2-4) = (x-radical 3) (x + radical 3) (X-2) (x + 2));
(3) = (a ^ 2 * B ^ 2-5) ^ 2-50 = [(a ^ 2 * B ^ 2-5) - 5 * radical 2] [(a ^ 2 * B ^ 2-5) + 5 * radical 2]
(1) B-A = - radical (B-A) ^ 3 under = - (B-A) * radical
(2) X is any real number
(3) Root 1000 = root (30 * 30 + 30 * 3 + 3 * 3 + 1) = root (a ^ 4 + A ^ 2 * B ^ 2 + B ^ 4 + 1)
=Radical (a ^ 4 + A ^ 2 * B ^ 2 + B ^ 4 + B ^ 2 / 3) collapse
What is the cubic power of x plus y?
The third power of x plus y is x + Y & # 179;
(x + y) &# 179; = x & # 179; + 3x & # 178; y + 3xy & # 178; + Y & # 179; this is the cube of the sum of X and y
Given the square of 4A + the square of B + 12a-9b + 25 = 0, find the value of (2a-b) (a + 2b)
It's - 8b
That is, (4a & # 178; + 12a + 9) + (B & # 178; - 8b + 16) = 0
So 2A + 3 = B-4 = 0
Original formula = (- 3-4) × (- 3 / 2 + 8)
Ask a super difficult factorization math problem in No.10 middle school
The fourth power of (x + 1) + the fourth power of (x + 3) - 272
x+1)^4+(x+3)^4-272 =(x+1)^4+(x+3)^4-256-16 =(x+1)^4-16+(x+3)^4-256 =(x+1)^4-4^2+(x+3)^4-16^2 =[(x+1)^2+4][(x+1)^2-4]+[(x+3)^2+16][(x+3)^2-16] =[(x+1)^2+4](x+1-2)(x+1+2)+[(x+3)^2+16](x+3-4)(x+3+4) =(x-1)[(x+1)^2+4](x+3)[(x+3)^2+16](x+7)
X to the power of a, y to the power of 6 divided by X to the power of M is equal to?
=x^a * y^6/x^m
This can't be simplified
Calculate (need process) (2a + 2B / a squared AB) × (a squared-2ab = B squared 4)