Write out a linear equation of one variable so that its solution is two-thirds and the coefficient of the unknown is a positive integer

Write out a linear equation of one variable so that its solution is two-thirds and the coefficient of the unknown is a positive integer

3x-2 = 0. I appreciate your diligent and inquisitive spirit. I wish you success! Pro*^__ ^*If you don't understand, please ask. If you are satisfied, please click Set as satisfied answer. Thank you!
Why can we use the characteristic root equation to find the general term formula of a sequence of numbers
If you go to see the Guangdong volume, I don't know whether it's the liberal arts volume or the science volume. One is the fixed point and the other is the characteristic root, because it's very difficult for you to do some questions without the characteristic root, and the college entrance examination allows you to use the characteristic root, as long as you write one according to the characteristic root
All these can be proved
They have the same form
The general term formula is too difficult to get. I can't get it all the time, and you don't have to understand it. If you can answer all the previous questions correctly and give up the last series final question, you will be embarrassed for your high score
The formula of square difference of (- a-b) square (A-D)
(- a-b) (a-b) = - (a + b) (a-b) = the square of B - the square of A
Sum square formula (- a-b) & sup2; = A & sup2; + 2Ab + B & sup2;
Difference square formula (A-D) & sup2; = A & sup2; - 2ad + D & sup2;
Square difference formula A & sup2; - B & sup2; = (a + b) (a-b)
(- a-b) & sup2; - (A-D) & sup2; = [(- a-b) + (A-D)] [(- a-b) - (A-D)] question: find (- a-b) (a-b)
The expression of solving the result | x1-x2 | of quadratic equation of high school mathematics formula
Where does the binary quadratic equation come from? X1, X2, should it be the univariate quadratic equation?
If it is a quadratic equation with one variable, the result should be | x1-x2 | = root sign (b ^ 2-4ac) and then divided by | a|
Why can't you understand the question? You input the original question!
x1+x2=-b/a x1·x2=c/a
|X1-X2|=((x1+x2)^2-4x1x2)^0.5 =((b^2-4ac)^0.5)/|a|
x1=m x2=n
Square difference formula: A to the second power - B to the second power=
High school mathematics circle equation problem has a step to use: K square plus 1 point absolute value (...) What formula is used?
It may be the distance formula from the point (x0, Y0) to the straight line kx-y + B = 0: D = | kx0-y0 + B | / √ (k ^ 2 + 1)
(a-b) (a + b) = the square of a + the square of B (square difference formula)
Establish four different geometric figures to prove
A-b) (a + b) = the square of a - the square of B
Rectangle, parallelogram (high a-b), circle in circle, right triangle!
Make the top! Handsome!
On the general formula of linear equation
Using the general formula of the linear equation, we can find the linear equation of which the area of the triangle formed by the point (0,3) and the two coordinate axes is 6
Can the left side of the square difference formula be the square of (a + b)
Yes, (a + b) ^ 2 = (a-b) ^ 2 + 4AB
Your affirmation is my driving force,
On the formula of profit and loss problem of linear equation with one variable
Answer as many as you have
Purchase price + profit = selling price
The formula of profit and loss problem
(profit + loss) △ the difference between the two distributions = the number of shares participating in the distribution
(big profit - small profit) △ the difference between the two distributions = the number of shares participating in the distribution
(big loss - small loss) △ the difference between the two distributions = the number of shares participating in the distribution
(profit + loss) △ the difference between the two distributions = the number of shares participating in the distribution
(big profit - small profit) △ the difference between the two distributions = the number of shares participating in the distribution
(big loss - small loss) △ the difference between the two distributions = the number of shares participating in the distribution
Loss: purchase price > selling price
Profit: purchase price
Profit: purchase price