If point C is a point on line AB and the square of AC equals AB times BC, is point C the golden section point of line AB

If point C is a point on line AB and the square of AC equals AB times BC, is point C the golden section point of line AB

Point C is the golden section of line ab
Let AB = 1, AC = X
Then x ^ 2 = 1 * (1-x)
X = (radical 5-1) / 2 = 0.618
So point C is the golden section of line ab
What are the three roots of equation x3-1 = 0? How to find out if there are two imaginary roots?
X 3 - 1 = (x - 1) (x ^ 2 + X + 1), and then the root formula of quadratic equation with one variable is used
Let's look at the discriminant. It's less than zero
So there is no solution in the real range
Or the solution set is empty
There is a real solution x = 1
There are two imaginary number solutions x = - 1 / 2 + (√ 3 / 2) I, the imaginary number: 1 + X + x ^ 2 = 0, x ^ 3 = 1, the conjugate of X multiplied by x = 1
Let X be a complex number, x = a + bi, x ^ 3 = 1, imaginary part is 0, real part is 1
It's 1, the imaginary part is 0
According to a = a + bi
Substituting A3 = 1 of the above formula, we get
And because the real part is 1 and the imaginary part is zero, you can get the answer
X ^ 3-1 = (x-1) (x ^ 2 + X + 1) = 0 a root is x = 1
So the other two are - 1 / 2 + √ 3 / 2I and - 1 / 2 - √ 3 / 2I respectively
Given that point C is the golden section of line AB, and AC > BC, AB equals 2, then BC equals?
How to solve this equation
X = self calculation
Solution: 1.8x-x = 8 + 8
1. If the condition AC squared = AB multiplied by BC, is point C still the golden section point of line AB? Why?
2. Does line AB have a golden section point other than point C? Why?
3. If AB = 1, then AC = -, BC = -, why?
If AB = a, then AC = --, BC = --, why?
Just answer questions 1 and 2
1. If the condition AC squared = AB multiplied by BC, then point C is still the golden section point of line AB? Why? Or? Because: AC & # 178; = AB * BCAC / AB = BC / ac2. Does line AB have any golden section point other than point C? Why? There are two golden section points on line ab
How to solve the equation x & # 178; - 8x = 0 by factorization
X = 0 or X-8 = 0
X = 0 or x = 8
Point P is the golden section point on line ab. if the longer line Pb = 4, the shorter line PA =, ab =
Specific steps, thank you
∵ point P is the golden section point on line ab
Then PA: 4 = 4: (PA + 4)
You can't wait for the exact number
Because the golden ratio is an infinite non cyclic decimal, the approximate value is 0.618
So PA = 4 × 0.618 = 2.472
AB = PA+PB = 6.472
X (X-2) = x (use factorization to solve this equation,
Point P is the golden section point of line AB, and PA > Pb (1) the relationship between line PA, Pb and ab is? (2) if AB = 8, Pb ≈?
(3) If the area of a square with PA as the side is S1, and the area of a rectangle with Pb and ab as the adjacent sides is S2, guess the size relationship between S1 and S2? Explain the reason
1) ∵ point P is the golden section point of line ab
The factor decomposition method is used to calculate
(1) -7ab-14abx+49aby; (2) (x-1)^3y^3+(1-x)^3z^3;
(3)(x^2+x)^2 -3(x^2+x)+2; (4) x^2-y^2-z^2+2yz;
(5)3x^2+2xy-8y^2; (6) x^2-x-30; (7) x^4+4.
(1) -7ab-14abx+49aby; = -7ab(1+2x-7y) (2) (x-1)^3y^3+(1-x)^3z^3=(x-1)³(y³-z³)=(x-1)³(y-z)(y²+yz+z²)(3)(x^2+x)^2 -3(x^2+x)+2; =(x²+x-1)(x²+x-2)=...