19 / 28 of the difference between the reciprocal of two natural numbers is 19 / 93. What are the two natural numbers?

19 / 28 of the difference between the reciprocal of two natural numbers is 19 / 93. What are the two natural numbers?

Let these two natural numbers be a and B, then the expression (1 / A-1 / b) * (19 / 28) = 19 / 93 can be obtained
Multiply both sides by 28 / 19 at the same time to get 1 / A-1 / b = 28 / 93, and 1 / A-1 / b = (B-A) / ab
That is, (B-A) / AB = 28 / 93, and a, B are natural numbers
B-A = 28, ab = 93, a = 3 or - 31 (rounding off), B = 31
A: the two natural numbers are 3 and 31 respectively