Black brick has 20, white brick has 40, the area of this room is 15 square meters, ask the area of two kinds of floor tile? The floor of a room is paved with black and white tiles. There are 20 black tiles and 40 white tiles. If the area of the room is 15 square meters, what are the areas of these two kinds of floors?

Black brick has 20, white brick has 40, the area of this room is 15 square meters, ask the area of two kinds of floor tile? The floor of a room is paved with black and white tiles. There are 20 black tiles and 40 white tiles. If the area of the room is 15 square meters, what are the areas of these two kinds of floors?

Black brick: white brick = 1:2
So black brick is 1 / 3
White brick is 2 / 3
So black brick = 15 times 1 / 3 = 5 square meters
White brick = 15 times 2 / 3 = 10 square meters
(or white brick = 15-5 = 10 square meters)