What are the shapes of the section of a cube Please complete the answers separately

What are the shapes of the section of a cube Please complete the answers separately

Cube: a rectangular square with triangles
Cuboid: there are triangles, rectangles, squares, trapezoids, pentagons and hexagons
Triangles and quadrangles are easy to cut, while pentagons and hexagons are cut as follows:
First, the cuboid is imagined as a cube placed horizontally, passing through the farthest diagonal section above and below the cube, and making the section parallel to the diagonal lines of the other two corners of the top surface of the cube. At this time, the section is a quadrilateral;
Swing the section to the diagonal direction of the other two corners on the top of the cube, and the section is Pentagon;
Then swing the section to the diagonal direction of the other two corners of the cube bottom, and the section is hexagonal
A cuboid is a deformation of a cube, and its cross section is the same as that of a cube