The range of an automatic rotary sprinkler irrigation device on the park grassland is 10 meters. What is the area it can spray irrigation? The girth of a small trunk is 125.6cm. The cross-sectional area of the trunk is approximately circular. What is its area?

The range of an automatic rotary sprinkler irrigation device on the park grassland is 10 meters. What is the area it can spray irrigation? The girth of a small trunk is 125.6cm. The cross-sectional area of the trunk is approximately circular. What is its area?

It's actually a circular area,
The center of the circle is where the jet is
Radius R is its range: r = 10m
So the area of sprinkling irrigation is round
S = π R ^ 2 = 3.14 × 10 ^ 2 = 314 square meters
The radius of the trunk of this tree
= 20 (CM)
The cross-sectional area of the trunk of this tree
= 1256 (cm2)