The formula of common practical problems in junior middle school For example: itinerary problems, encounter problems, it is best to have examples and detailed analysis!

The formula of common practical problems in junior middle school For example: itinerary problems, encounter problems, it is best to have examples and detailed analysis!

Distance = speed × time; distance △ time = speed; distance △ speed = time
Encounter problem
Speed and time of encounter = distance of encounter
Encounter distance △ speed sum = encounter time
Encounter distance △ encounter time = speed and time
Encounter problem (straight line)
Distance of a + distance of B = total distance
Encounter problem (ring)
Distance of a + distance of B = circumference of ring
Follow up questions
Catch up time = distance difference △ speed difference
Speed difference = distance difference △ time
Pursuit time × speed difference = distance difference
Pursuit problem (straight line)
Distance difference = distance of pursuer - distance of pursued = speed difference x time of pursuit
Pursuit problem (ring)
Fast distance - slow distance = circumference of curve
Flow problem
Downstream travel = (ship speed + water speed) × downstream time
Headway = (ship speed water speed) × headway time
Downstream speed = ship speed + water speed
Speed against water = ship speed water speed
Hydrostatic velocity = (downstream velocity + upstream velocity) △ 2
Water speed: (downstream speed upstream speed) △ 2