Can the image with function y = 1 / 2x ^ 2 be moved up and down properly to make the new image pass through the point (4, - 2)? If you can, please tell the translation direction and distance, if not, please explain the reason

Can the image with function y = 1 / 2x ^ 2 be moved up and down properly to make the new image pass through the point (4, - 2)? If you can, please tell the translation direction and distance, if not, please explain the reason

The influence of the image of the up-down translation function y = 1 / 2x & # on the analytic expression is only a constant C
Therefore, the analytic formula after translation can be set as y = 1 / 2x & # 178; + C; the coordinates of point (4, - 2) can be substituted into 8 + C = - 2, # C = - 10
That is, the analytical expression after translation is y = 1 / 2x & # 178; - 10
Simply translate y = 1 / 2x & # 178; down 10 units
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