1. The function y = ax + B and its inverse function are the same function, finding a and B. 2. The image of the function y = (AX + 2) / (x-1) is symmetric with respect to the line y = x, then a =?

1. The function y = ax + B and its inverse function are the same function, finding a and B. 2. The image of the function y = (AX + 2) / (x-1) is symmetric with respect to the line y = x, then a =?

If the corresponding coefficients of inverse function x = (y-b) / a are equal, then a = 1 / A, B = - B / A, and a = 1, B = 0
When a = - 1, B can take all real numbers
If the corresponding coefficients of its inverse function are equal to y (x-1) = ax + 2 and x = (2 + y) / (Y-A), then a = 1