Characteristics and examples of classical Chinese

Characteristics and examples of classical Chinese

The characteristics of classical Chinese are: separation of language and writing, concise writing
The characteristics of classical Chinese are compared with vernacular (including spoken and written language), mainly in grammar and vocabulary
(the features described below are examples and incomplete.)
Grammatical features
The grammatical features of classical Chinese are mainly manifested in word class and word order. Generally speaking, classical Chinese has more flexible use of word class than vernacular
Nouns are used as verbs
In Liu Zongyuan's three commandments, Qian's donkey, the noun "hoof" is used as the verb "kick with hoof"
In Sima Qian's Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ben Ji, the noun "Wang" is used as the causative verb "Shi "King"
A noun is used as an adverb, often with "ran" (...) In the same way as in the same way
In Pu Songling's strange tales from a lonely studio, the noun "dog" is used as an adverb "like a dog" before the verb "sit"
In Ouyang Xiu's the story of the drunken man's pavilion, "Yi" is used as an adverb "like a wing" before the verb "Lin"
Fronted Object
Objective: in interrogative and negative sentences, if the object is a pronoun, its position in the sentence is easily diluted by interrogative or negative words
In interrogative sentences, interrogative pronouns such as "who", "who", "he" and "Zhi" are placed before verbs
"Who dares to complain that a minister is not talented?" (Zuo Zhuan)
"Who deceives me? Who deceives heaven?" (Analects of Confucius)
"Wei Si Ren, who am I going to return to?" (Yueyang Tower by Fan Zhongyan)
"Who is the beauty of Xu Gong in the north of the city?" (the policy of the Warring States Period: Zou Ji satirizes the king of Qi and accepts remonstrance)
"The king said," how can you be the one who binds you? "(Yanzi spring and Autumn Annals)
In negative sentences, pronouns are usually placed in front of verbs when they are used as objects
A gentleman's disease is incompetent, but it is not enough for a patient (Analects of Confucius)
Inverted sentences with "Yi"
"The whole stone as the bottom, near the shore, roll the stone bottom to come out." (Liu Zongyuan's Yongzhou eight records · xiaoshitan record), "the whole stone as the bottom" means "take the whole stone as the bottom", and "roll the stone bottom to come out" means "roll the stone bottom to come out"
In classical Chinese, there are some subjective reasons, such as the author can't remember the word for a while, and some objective reasons, such as taboo
"When you ask questions, if you have answers, you should return home and set up wine to kill chickens for food." (Tao Yuanming's Taohuayuan Ji, Yao, Tong, invitation
"Confucius said," isn't it true to learn while learning "Learning from the Analects of Confucius", "speaking", communicating with "joy" and "joy"
"Sages are not related to Xi, but few people are sick." (Yanzi Chunqiu), Xi, through "Xi", joking
Vocabulary characteristics
There is a great difference between classical Chinese and vernacular Chinese in terms of vocabulary. This difference usually needs to be listed in the form of dictionary or dictionary in order to be fully expressed. However, there is a general observation: the vocabulary of classical Chinese is more concise. For example, compared with the words in vernacular, the words in classical Chinese are mainly disyllabic, and the words in classical Chinese are mainly monosyllabic