If a belongs to {0, π / 2} and COS square a + sin {π / 2 + 2A} = 1 / 2, then Tana =?

If a belongs to {0, π / 2} and COS square a + sin {π / 2 + 2A} = 1 / 2, then Tana =?

This is the square (a + cos: a + cos (2a) (a + cos (2a) = cos \35; 178; a + cos (2a) is the result of the cos \35;178; a + cos (2a) = cos \35;178; a + cos \\\\\\\\35;178; a + cos (2a) is the result of the objective of the objective of the objective of this is the case (a) / (2-tan \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\35;178; a3tan and#178; a = 3tan