If AB is the chord passing through the center of the ellipse X & # 178 / 25 + Y & # 178 / 16 and F1 is the left focus, then the maximum area of △ Abf1 is___ 12___ ,

If AB is the chord passing through the center of the ellipse X & # 178 / 25 + Y & # 178 / 16 and F1 is the left focus, then the maximum area of △ Abf1 is___ 12___ ,

Because the line passes through the origin and the ellipse is symmetrical about the origin, the ordinate of the chord end | ya | = | Yb |, obviously | ya | ≤ B;
So s △ Abf1 ≤ CB = 3 * 4 = 12;