The focal points of hyperbola x ^ 2 / 64-y ^ 2 / 36 = 1 are F1 and F2 respectively. The straight line L passes through the point F1, intersects two points a and B on the left branch of hyperbola, ab = m, and calculates the circumference of triangle abf2

The focal points of hyperbola x ^ 2 / 64-y ^ 2 / 36 = 1 are F1 and F2 respectively. The straight line L passes through the point F1, intersects two points a and B on the left branch of hyperbola, ab = m, and calculates the circumference of triangle abf2

8, B = 6, C ^ 2 = 64 + 36 = 100, C = 10 | af2 124\\| AF1 | AF1 \124\\124\124\\\\\\\124\\\\\\\\124\\\\\124\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\| BF2 | + | ab | = 32 + m + M = 32 + 2m