How many squares are there in a natural number with a single digit of 8 Please, it's about human life

How many squares are there in a natural number with a single digit of 8 Please, it's about human life

Look at a number
1 × 1, one bit or one
It's 2 × 2, and the individual bit is 4
3 × 3, the number of individuals is 9
4 × 4, the number of bits is 6
Five by five, five for you
6 × 6, the individual position is 6
7 × 7, the individual position is 9
8 × 8, the number of individuals is 4
9 × 9, one bit is 1
0 × 0, one bit is 0
So the number of squares can't be 8
There are 0 squares in the natural number whose bits are 8