What are the definitions of prime number and composite number?

What are the definitions of prime number and composite number?

Prime number is also called prime number. It refers to the number in a natural number greater than 1 which can not be divided by other natural numbers except 1 and the integer itself. In other words, natural numbers with only two positive factors (1 and itself) are prime numbers. Numbers larger than 1 but not prime numbers are called composite numbers. 1 and 0 are neither prime nor composite numbers. Prime numbers play an important role in number theory
Total number refers to
① The greatest common factor between two numbers is only the product of the two numbers of 1
② The common divisor between two numbers is not only 1. If you multiply one of the divisors by the smallest number, you can divide it. The number multiplied is the composite number
Composite number, also known as composite number, is a positive integer satisfying any of the following (equivalent) conditions:
1. Is the product of two integers greater than 1
2. Have a factor greater than 1 but less than itself
3. Have at least three factors (factors)
4. It is neither 1 nor prime
5. Non composite numbers with at least one prime factor
6. The product of two or more primes can form a composite number, and only one composite number. On the contrary, a composite number can be divided into the product of a group of primes, and can only be divided into the product of a group of primes, It can not be regarded as the product of two prime numbers
7. Composite number refers to: a number has other factors (the third factor) besides 1 and itself. This number is called composite number. 8 and "1" are neither prime numbers nor composite numbers
9. A composite number whose divisor is divisible by other factors besides 1 and itself is called a composite number