As shown in the figure, in square ABCD, e is the point on DC, connect be, make CF ⊥ be at P, intersect ad at F, if AP = ab

As shown in the figure, in square ABCD, e is the point on DC, connect be, make CF ⊥ be at P, intersect ad at F, if AP = ab

How to make am \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\m ≌ △ BCP (AAS) ≌ am = BP & nbsp; &Nbsp; & nbsp; ∵ AP = AB, am ⊥ be, ∵ BM = 12bp = 12am. ∵ 2 = ∵ 3, ∵ AMB = ∵ BCE, ∵ ABM ∵ BEC ∵ BMAM = cebc = 12 ∵ BC = DC ∵ CE = 12DC. ∵ e is the midpoint of DC