A six digit number is 5. The number in 100000 digits is 9. The sum of any three adjacent digits is 20. The six digit number is 5

A six digit number is 5. The number in 100000 digits is 9. The sum of any three adjacent digits is 20. The six digit number is 5

From: 9 + A + B = a + B + C, C = 9
B = 5 is obtained from B + C + D = C + D + 5
A = 6, d = 6
So the 6 digits are:
nine hundred and sixty-five thousand nine hundred and sixty-five

The fifth power of Y minus the third power of Y
4 times the third power of x minus 64 times x


The solutions are: 1. X / 6-x / 12 = 10 2. X / 9 + X / 4 = 13 3. X-4 / 5x + 3 / 10


It is proved that the angle AOB is the minimum when AB is perpendicular to X axis

Let f (P / 2,0) be the focus of parabola
Let a (Y1 ^ 2 / 2p, Y1), B (Y2 ^ 2 / 2p, Y2)
If AOB is perpendicular to F, of is perpendicular to AB and AF is perpendicular to ob
Obviously, if of slope is 0, then AB is perpendicular to X axis, Y1 ^ 2 / 2p = Y2 ^ 2 / 2p, then y2 = - Y1
Then the line B (Y1 ^ 2 / 2p, - Y1), AB is x = Y1 ^ 2 / 2p
Then the vector AF = (P / 2-y1 ^ 2 / 2p, - Y1), the vector ob = (Y1 ^ 2 / 2p, - Y1)
AF vertical ob, then (P / 2-y1 ^ 2 / 2P) * Y1 ^ 2 / 2p + Y1 ^ 2 = 0, the solution is Y1 ^ 2 = 5p ^ 2
The line where AB is located is x = Y1 ^ 2 / 2p = (5 / 2) * P

Why does Tang shuofei choose a
Tang shuofei
24 questions on page 105
A system samples the input data. The CPU interrupts the processing once for every input data extracted. It takes x seconds to put the sampled data into the reserved buffer in the memory. In addition, it takes y seconds for the main program to process every n data stored in the buffer. It can be seen that the system can track the interrupt requests per second
A.N/(N*X+Y) B.N/(X+Y)N C.min[1/X,N/Y]

The number of interrupts per second is equal to
Number of interrupts / time required to process the number of interrupts
Interrupt n times, the total processing time required = n * x (interrupt processing time) + y (buffer processing time)
So the answer is a

We know that A. B is a positive number, and prove that the cubic power of a + the cubic power of B is greater than or equal to the square of a and the square of B + the square of ab

When a + b > 0, we prove that a & sup3; + B & sup3; ≥ A & sup2; B + AB & sup2
Proof: because
It is easy to know that: (a-b) & sup2; ≥ 0, if a + b > 0, there are:

X = 0 is the breakpoint of F (x) = 1 / (1 + e ^ (1 / x))
Can we go to break point or jump break point?

Jump breakpoint, because from X negative direction to 0, e ^ (1 / x) to 0, f (x) to 1, when from X positive direction to 0, e ^ (1 / x) to infinity, f (x) to 0, they are not equal, so they are jump breakpoints

Let f (x) = log2 x, then a > b is what condition of F (a) > F (b)?
What is a zero point of the function y = root 3 SiNx + cosx?
The chord length of the square of the circle (x + 1) + (Y-1) = 4 cut by the root of the line y = - x + 2 is?

If f (a) > F (b), then a 〉 B 〉 0, f (x) are monotone increasing functions
2 y = 2Sin (x + π / 6), zero point is x = - π / 6 + K π, you can take K as an integer
3 2 root 3

In the plane rectangular coordinate system, the corresponding point can be obtained by translating the point (x, y) a unit length to the right (or left)__ Or__ And point (x, y) to
The corresponding point can be obtained by translating B unit length up (or down)__ Or___
It's urgent

For this kind of translation mathematical problems, the principle of "left plus right minus" is followed for the x-axis, and the principle of "up plus down minus" is followed for the y-axis. So (x, y) moves to the right, the answer is (x-a, y), the left is (x + A, y). Moving down is (x, y + b), and moving down is (x, Y-A)

Solving equation x ^ 2 / 9 + 16 / x ^ 2 = (10 / 3) (x / 3-4 / x)

Let X / 3-4 / x = t
And then