Solving inequality: MX ^ 2-2x + 1 > 0

Solving inequality: MX ^ 2-2x + 1 > 0

When m = 0, the original equation is a linear equation, the solution is x < 1 / 2; when m ≠ 0, △ = 4-4m, let the solution of the equation MX ^ 2-2x + 1 = 0 be x1, X2 (x1 < X2, use the formula to calculate it yourself): when m > 1, △ 0, MX ^ 2-2x + 1 is greater than 0, the solution set is real number set R; when m = 1, △ 0, MX ^ 2-2x + 1 = x ^ 2-2x + 1 = (x-1) ^ 2, the solution set is X

Find the maximum value of Y, y = x (1-x2), X2 refers to the square of X, using the basic inequality

Y2 = X2 (1-x2) 2. If the maximum value of Y2 is obtained, the maximum value of y can also be obtained,

The number of revolutions measured by an electric appliance on an energy meter
Generally speaking, how many turns does the electric energy consumed by household appliances turn on the energy meter in unit time? Can you tell me the turns of several different appliances in unit time? Can this value be derived from voltage and electric power?
What I want to know is the actual power of the electric appliance, that is, the specific value of the dial turning when using the electric appliance, such as the specific value of 200 turns per unit time of the TV.

"Electric energy meter" is generally marked with "x R / kWh" (x R / kWh). If the power of a given electric appliance is p and the time is t, then: t the number of turns in time is: n = (p * t) * X. if the time is 2 minutes, then: n = (p * 1 / 30) * x (where p unit is kW, not Watt)

A simple method to calculate the square of 225-15 × 26 + 13

= 15^2 - 2*15*13+ 13^2
= (15-13)^2
= 2^2
= 4

Resistance R1 = 10 ohm, resistance R2 = 20 ohm, connect them in series, what is the resistance value? Parallel connection?

The equivalent resistance of the series resistance is equal to the sum of the resistances: R total = R1 + R2 + R3 + +Rn
In parallel circuit, the calculation formula of resistance is 1 / r = 1 / R1 + 1 / r2 + 1 / R3 +
The resistance is 30 ohm in series and 20 / 3 ohm in parallel

Arrange the natural numbers according to the following rules: Number 3 in the second row and first column, number 13 in the third row and third column, number 168 in the third row and third column
1 2 6 7 15 16……
3 5 8 14 17……
4 9 13 ……
10 12……

If you look at the 18 lines at an angle, count the fourth from the bottom
171 the first number on line 18
170 the second number on line 17
169 the third number on line 16
168 the fourth number on line 15

A light bulb marked with pz220-40 normal working resistance, connected to a 110V voltage circuit, the actual power consumption is good
A light bulb is marked with "pz220-40". What is its normal working resistance? If it is connected to a 110V circuit, the actual power consumption is much higher. Compared with the circuit connected to a 220V circuit, is it bright or dark

(1) . r = u & sup2 / P = 220 V × 220 V △ 40 W = 1210 (Ω) a: the resistance is 1210 ohm
(2) . P = u & sup2 / r = 110V × 110V △ 1210 Ω = 10 (W) a: electric power is 10W, relatively dark

-The 49th number is 1 / 4,2 / 8, - 3 / 16,4 / 32, - 5 / 64

-49 / 2 to the 50th power

As shown in the figure, u = 6V, u = 10V, the current through R1 is 0.4A, and the voltage at both ends of resistance R2 is calculated
Find the voltage at both ends of resistance R2
The value of resistance R1 R2
Total resistance value of resistor R1 R2 after series connection

It is known that: u = 10V, U1 = 6V, I = 0.4A. Find: U2, R1, R2. From U2 = u-u1, find the voltage at both ends of R2: U2 = u-u1 = 10v-6v = 4V; from I = u / R get r = u / I, find the resistance of two constant resistors: R1 = U1 / I = 6V / 0.4A = 15 Ω, R2 = 4V / 0.4A = 10 Ω; from R = R1 + R2, find the total resistance of series circuit: r = R1 + R2 = 1

If the equation has two rational roots, find the value of integer K
It's kx-178; I've missed it

KX & # 178; + 2 (K + 1) x-3 = 0
According to the theme
k> - 5 / 2 + radical 21 / 2 or K