Given that the vertices of a regular hexagonal prism are all on the same desktop, and the volume of the prism is 9 / 8, the perimeter of the bottom is 3, then the volume of the sphere is 3

Given that the vertices of a regular hexagonal prism are all on the same desktop, and the volume of the prism is 9 / 8, the perimeter of the bottom is 3, then the volume of the sphere is 3

Analysis: if the side length of the base of the regular hexagonal prism is x, then 6x = 3. X = 1 / 2
Let the height of a regular hexagonal prism be H. from its volume v = 9 / 8, 9 / 8 = 6 × [(radical 3) / 4] × (1 / 2) ^ 2 × h.. H = radical 3
∵ the diameter of the circumscribed circle of the regular hexagon is exactly the volume diagonal of the regular hexagon,
| 2R = radical [(radical 3) ^ 2 + 1]. | r = 1. | v-ball = 4 / 3 π | answer: 4 / 3 π

In the plane rectangular coordinate system xoy, point P is on the curve C: y = x3-10x + 3, and in the second quadrant, if the tangent slope of curve C at point P is known to be 2, then the coordinate of point P is______ .

Let P (x0, Y0) (x0 < 0). From the meaning of the question, we know that y ′| x = x0 = 3x02-10 = 2, X02 = 4. X0 = - 2, Y0 = 15

Build a cement road with a width of 3.5 meters and a thickness of 30 cm. If 21 cubic meters of concrete are mixed, how many meters of road can be paved? (solved by equation)

30 cm = 0.3 m, set a road that can be paved with X M. according to the meaning of the title, the equation can be obtained as follows: 3.5 × 0.3 × x = 21, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 1.05x = 21, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 20; a: a road that can be paved with 20 m

Given that a, B ∈ R, 2a2-b2 = 1, then the minimum value of | 2a-b | is______ .

∵ 2a2-b2 = 1, ∵ (2a-b) 2 = 4a2-4ab + B2 = 2a2-b2 + (2a2-4ab + 2B2) = 1 + 2 (a-b) 2, so when a = B, the minimum value of (2a-b) 2 is 1, so the minimum value of | 2a-b | is 1, so the answer is: 1

How to convert 5.4 power of 10 to 6 power of several times 10
I want the method of calculation, not the result

For a certain mass of carbon dioxide, when its volume v = 5m & # 179;, its density ρ = 1.98kg/m & # 179; 1, find the functional expression between ρ and V
2 find the density of carbon dioxide when v = 10m & # 179

If the mass is fixed, M = P * V = 1.98 * 5 = 9.9kg, i.e. p * V = 9.9kg
P = 9.9 / v = 9.9 / 9 = 1.1m3
It should be this. You can calculate it yourself

1 / 2 times the square of X + 1 / 2 times x + 1 / 8 = 0 to solve the equation


The standard equation of parabola with quasilinear equation x = 2 is______ .

Let the parabola y2 = MX, then − M4 = 2, | M = - 8, the standard equation of the parabola is y2 = - 8x, so the answer is y2 = - 8x

What is the general cylinder pressure of the engine

It's meaningless to ask "what's the cylinder pressure of the engine in general". You should ask the pressure. The pressure is generally stable and can't be changed at will. Changing it means changing the efficiency, that is to say, the efficiency is generally stable. If you want to get more power, you can only change the size of the cylinder "cross-sectional area", so the greater the force you get

1 / 8,1 / 6,9 / 22,27 / 40, () a.27/16 b.27/14 c.81/40 d.81/44
1.1/8,1/6,9/22,27/40,( )
A.27/16 B.27/14 C.81/40 D.81/44
2.3,4,12,18,44,( )
A.44 B.56 C.78 D.79
3.4,5,15,6,7,35,8,9,( )
A.27 B.15 C.72 D.63
A.2317 B.1545 C.1469 D.5213

1. The original formula is divided into: 1 / 8, 3 / 18, 9 / 22, 27 / 40, from which the last molecule is 81. The molecular rule is: 3 ^ 2-1, 4 ^ 2 + 2, 5 ^ 2-3, 6 ^ 2 + 4, and the denominator of the last term is 7 ^ 2-5 = 44
2. The rule is 3 * 2-2 = 4,4 * 2 + 4 = 12,12 * 2-6 = 18,18 * 2 + 8 = 44, and the last term is 44 * 2-10 = 78
3.15 = (4-1) * 5, 35 = (5-1) * 7, the last item is (8-1) * 9 = 63
1 + 6 = 5 + 2,4 + 9 = 7 + 6,2 + 4 = 5 + 1,5 + 7 = 3 + 9, so only C is in line with this relationship