When m is the value, the fractional equation x-2:5 + x-1:3 = (x-1) (X-2):m

When m is the value, the fractional equation x-2:5 + x-1:3 = (x-1) (X-2):m

Multiply both sides by (x-1) (X-2) to get:

If the solution of the fractional equation x + m / X-2 = - 1 about X is positive, then the value range of M is

∵ the solution is positive
That is (2-m) / 2 > 0

1. If the positive integer solution of the inequality 2x-m ≤ 0 is 1,2,3, then the value range of M is () 2. When x is an integer, the value of 4x + 2 is not small
1. If the positive integer solution of the inequality 2x-m ≤ 0 is 1,2,3, then the value range of M is ()
2. When x is an integer, the value of 4x + 2 is not less than 2 / 3-1 / 2-x, and the minimum value of X satisfying the condition is obtained

1, because 2x

Given a + B + C + D = 90, a + 2 = B-2 = C * (multiply) 2 = D / (divide) 2?


The area difference between a parallelogram with equal base and height and a triangle is 18 square decimeters. The area of a parallelogram is the area of a triangle?

Because the area of triangle is base × height △ 2, the area of parallelogram is base × height
So the area of the parallelogram is twice that of the triangle with equal base and equal height
The area of difference is equal to the area of triangle
So triangle area is 18 square decimeters, parallelogram is 36 square decimeters

The equation 9x - 3 = KX + 14 has a positive integer solution

X = 17 / (9-k) is a positive integer
If K is an integer, then k = 8, - 8
Its positive integer solution: 17,1
(if K is not an integer, there are innumerable)

Cut a piece of square sheet iron with side length of 3.8 decimeters into the largest circle. What's the circumference and area of the circle sheet iron

Perimeter = 2 × 3.14 × 38 △ 2 = 119.32 cm
Area = 3.14 × (38 △ 2) &# 178; = 1133.54 square centimeter

How to calculate 38 times 25 with simple operation?


As shown in the figure, BP and CP are bisectors of ∠ B and ∠ C in any △ ABC. It can be seen that ∠ BPC = 90 ° + 12 ∠ A. if △ ABC in the figure is changed into quadrilateral ABCD in the figure, BP and CP are still bisectors of ∠ B and ∠ C. It is conjectured that the quantitative relationship between ∠ BPC and ∠ A and ∠ D is linear______ .

The intersection of Ba and CD is extended at the point E. according to the known conclusion, ∠ BPC = 90 °+ 12 ∠ BEC, and ∠ e = ∠ bad - ∠ ade = ∠ bad - (180 ° - ∠ ADC). The ∠ BPC = 90 °+ 12 ∠ bad-90 ° + 12 ∠ ADC, i.e. ∠ BPC = 12 ∠ bad + 12 ∠ ADC

For any vector a, B proves that |||||- |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||≤|||

If there is a 0 vector in AB, then the equal sign holds
If AB is not zero vector, then draw three vectors (a, B and a-b)
According to the sum of two sides is greater than the third side and the difference between two sides is less than the third side, the inequality can be obtained