How to solve this equation,

How to solve this equation,

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Equation: 2x / 9 + 19.2 = 40% X

This is quite simple You see, 8 + 3 = 11, right? If you don't know 8 +? = 11, then you have to use 11-8, right? So it is
40% X-2 / 9 = 19.2
40% X-2 / 9 = 19.2 + 2 / 9
Further down, you should know better

When a cylinder and a cone are of equal height and equal base, the volume sum of the cylinder and the cone is 12.56 cubic centimeter, and the volume of the cylinder is () cubic centimeter
The difference is 12.56 cubic centimeter, and the volume of the cone is () cubic centimeter

Cylinder volume = 3 cone volume
‖ cone volume = 12.56 ÷ (3 + 1) = 3.14 cm3
Cone volume = 12.56 △ 2 = 6.28 cm3

The largest factor of a number is 16. What is the number? What is its minimum multiple?

The maximum factor and the minimum multiple of a number are itself
So this number is 16, and its minimum multiple is 16

Let a = x square, y-2xy square + 3. B = - 2x square, y + 5xy square. Find 2B - (a + b)

It is known that a = x squared y-2xy squared + 3. B = - 2x squared y + 5xy squared
=-2X squared y + 5xy squared - (x squared y-2xy squared + 3)

Raise your hand. Which hand

I went to bed at ten o'clock last night. As before, I couldn't go to bed even if I went to bed early. I couldn't help thinking about teaching, class and even school. Last night, my first thought was how to make students actively raise their hands to speak in class. I found that the students in our class didn't like to speak much in the sixth grade, Every time I asked a question, I raised my hand to answer very few questions. I used many ways to encourage and criticize, but they didn't work. Other graduating class teachers also felt the same. Everyone couldn't do anything about how to motivate students to speak actively. So last night I was thinking about this question for a long time, Finally, I came up with a way. The first class this morning is my class. I have the sixth lesson "half a candle". When reading the text, I first ask the whole class to read the text silently and think about a question: how many critical moments have Mrs. Bernold's family encountered? After the students read the text silently, I put forward this question again. Half a day later, a girl student raised her hand, This is not a difficult question. But the students just don't raise their hands. I guess I'm not happy. But today, instead of being angry, I said to the students with a smile: "students, the teacher asked you not to raise your hands, let the teacher guess why you don't raise your hands." I stopped, Then he said: "the first reason is that you can but dare not raise your hand; the second reason is that you really can't, so you don't raise your hand; the third reason is that you leave class and don't listen to the teacher's questions clearly. I don't know what kind of reasons you belong to; If you understand the teacher's questions but are unwilling or afraid to answer them, you should raise your left hand. If you don't raise your left hand or right hand, it only means that you didn't listen to the class and your mind wandered. OK, let's go on to class. You have read the text silently. Now who can tell the teacher: how many critical moments have Mrs. Bernold's family encountered? "My voice just dropped, The whole class raised their hands together. I fixed my eyes on it: they all raised their right hands! I was so elated! All the questions raised were raised. But some students raised their left hands when the questions were more difficult. Once, when I asked a question, one student did not raise his hand. I immediately asked him: do you know what the teacher asked just now? He could not answer, I honestly admit that I just looked out of the window and drifted away. After criticizing this student, I went on to class. This time, the whole class was highly focused. No matter what questions I asked, I also ask the left-handed students from time to time: what did the teacher ask just now? The left-handed students can answer correctly. It seems that this move is really effective. Editor's note: please pay attention to check whether there are pagination contents in the article

The polynomial 16x & # 178; + 1 plus a monomial makes it a complete square of an integer. Then what is the monomial
I know the answer, but I can't understand the title. Ah, how can it add 8x to make an integral square?

When 16x & # 178; + 1 + 8x is equal to (4x) &# 178; + 2 (4x) + 1 & # 178; = (4x + 1) &# 178;, it is a complete square

There is a conversion relationship between shoe size and shoe length (CM). The following table is the corresponding list of several groups of shoe size and shoe length. Shoe length 16 19 24, shoe size 22 28 3
There is a conversion relationship between shoe size and shoe length (CM). The following table is the corresponding list of several groups of shoe size and shoe length
Shoe length 16 19 24
Shoe size 22 28 38
1. By drawing, calculating, comparing and observing, we can guess which kind of functional relationship this conversion law may conform to?
2. Let the shoe length be x and the shoe size be y, and find the conversion relationship between X and y
3. Verify whether the conversion formula you ask is correct
4. If basketball giant Yao Ming's feet are 26 cm long, what size shoes does he wear?

1. By drawing, calculating, comparing, observing and so on, we can guess which kind of function relation this kind of conversion law may conform to? Positive proportion function relation. 2. Suppose the shoe length is x and the shoe size is y, find the conversion relation between X and Y. y = 2x-103, verify whether your conversion relation is correct. When x = 16, 2x-10 = 2 × 16-10 = 224

linear equation in two unknowns
A village has 58 hectares of land. It is planned to open up 12 hectares of hillside land for tea garden, and the rest of the land for food and vegetables. The known land area for growing food is 19 / 4 times that for growing vegetables. How many hectares of land are planned for growing food and vegetables?
Solving binary linear equation with binary linear equation

Set X ha for grain and Y ha for vegetables
x+y=58-12 ①
x=y*19/4 ②
Take (2) into (1)
The solution is x = 8 * 19 / 4 = 2 * 19 = 38

Four students went to plant trees. The first student planted half of the total trees planted by other students. The second student planted 13 of the total trees planted by other students. The third student planted 14 of the total trees planted by other students. Then the fourth student just planted 13 trees. How many trees did the four students plant?

The four students have planted 60 trees in total