There are 600 parts that need to be processed in one day. When the working efficiency is p hours per person per day, Q workers are needed. If the working efficiency of each person per day is increased by 20%, how many times can the number of workers be reduced?

There are 600 parts that need to be processed in one day. When the working efficiency is p hours per person per day, Q workers are needed. If the working efficiency of each person per day is increased by 20%, how many times can the number of workers be reduced?

Suppose the number of people is Q
Can reduce = 1-5 / 6 = 1 / 6
It can be reduced by one sixth

Five workers processed 735 parts and 135 parts in two days. It is known that one of the two workers asked for leave for one day. According to the work efficiency, if no one asked for leave in the next few days, how many days will it take to complete the task?

The number of parts processed by each person per day: 135 (2 × 5-1 × 1) = 15, the number of parts processed by 5 persons per day: 15 × 5 = 75, the remaining workload: 735-135 = 600, and the number of days needed is 600 / 75 = 8. A: it will take 8 days to complete the task

There are 300 parts to be processed in one day. When the working efficiency is x per person per day, y workers are required
The function analytic expression of Y with respect to X

Y equals 300 divided by X

How many triangles are there in the last question of grade 4 Math unit final sprint 100 classification test 2

The classical Chinese part: 1. Six pieces of the Analects of Confucius, selected from the Analects of Confucius' Xueer, Weizheng, gongyechang and Shuer. Confucius, Mingqiu, zizhongni, was born in the state of Lu in the spring and Autumn period, a great thinker and educator in ancient China. 2

If the plane is 4x-2y + Z-2 = 0 and the line is l: {2x-y-10z + 3 = 0, then the line is parallel, perpendicular or oblique to the plane? X + 3Y + 2Z + 1 = 0

From 2x-y-10z + 3 = 0, x + 3Y + 2Z + 1 = 0, the linear equation is (x + 10 / 7) / 28 = (Y-1 / 7) / (- 14) = Z / 7
The direction vector is (28, - 14,7), that is (4, - 2,1)
The normal vector of plane 4x-2y + Z-2 = 0 is (4, - 2,1)
The two are equal
So the plane is perpendicular to the line

Fourth grade volume two mathematical problems and application problems

1. It is known that the edge lengths of cuboid lidless cartons are 4 cm, 6 cm and 8 cm respectively. What are the external surface area and volume of the cartons?
2. Use a 32 meter long wooden strip to cut it off, just to build a cuboid shelf. The length, width and height of the cuboid are all integral meters, and they are not equal. Find the volume of the cuboid
1. Surface area = 2 × (4 × 8 + 8 × 6) + 4 × 6 = 184 (cm2)
Volume = 4 × 6 × 8 = 192 (cm3)
2. There are 12 edges in the cuboid, four of which are long, four of which are wide and four of which are high;
So 32 / 4 = length + width + height = 8 (CM)
And because they are different in length, width and height,
Therefore, the length, width and height can be 1,2,5 or 1,3,4
Therefore, the volume of the cuboid is:
1 × 2 × 5 = 10 (CC) or 1 × 3 × 4 = 12 (CC)
3. A rectangular playground, originally 50 meters long and 30 meters wide, has been expanded by eight meters in length and width. How many square meters has the playground been expanded?
=704 square meters
4. Xiaoqiao's father has been away on business for 56 days. On the way, he met rainy weather for a total of two weeks. The rest are sunny days. How many weeks are sunny days?
Sunny day: 56 / 7-2 = 6

7. The perimeter of a square is 4 / 7 meters, its side length is several meters, and its area is square meters

The perimeter of a square is 4 / 7 meters, its side length is (1 / 7) meters, and its area is (1 / 49) square meters

A spring oscillator is in harmonic motion. The stiffness coefficient is K and the amplitude is a. the kinetic energy of the oscillator passing through the equilibrium position is obtained

Due to the conservation of mechanical energy, all elastic potential energy is converted into kinetic energy at the equilibrium position,
From the spring elastic potential energy formula, EK = 1 / 2kA ^ 2

Cut a 20 cm long and 16 cm wide rectangular piece of paper into small squares of the same size. How many small squares can you cut at least

Two 10 cm * 10 cm

What's the difference between average speed and average speed?

Definition: average speed is the distance in unit time; average speed is the displacement in unit time
Velocity has size and direction, direction is the tangent direction of the trajectory curve at this time, it is a vector;
3 formula: average speed = distance / time; average speed = displacement / time;