If the 5A power of 2 is equal to the 3B power of 5 and the 2C power of 10, find the relationship between a, B and C

If the 5A power of 2 is equal to the 3B power of 5 and the 2C power of 10, find the relationship between a, B and C

The basic formula of logarithm operation is: a * ln x = ln x ^ A, ln (a + b) = LNA * LNB, ln (a-b) = LNA / LNB. Take logarithm on the left and right sides of the equation, and the equation does not change. We get: 5A * LN2 = 3b * LN5 = 2C * ln10a * LN2 ^ 5 = b * LN5 ^ 3 = C * ln10 ^ 2, that is, a * ln32 = b * ln125 = C * ln100 or a: B: C = ln (125

Given that the a power of 2 = 3, the B power of 2 = 6, and the C power of 2 = 12, then 2C - (a + b) = several

2 ^ A: denotes the power of 2 to a; log (a) [2]: denotes the logarithm of 3 with a as the base
2 ^ a = 3, then: a = log (2) [3]
2 ^ B = 6, then: B = log (2) [6]
2 ^ C = 12, then: C = log (2) [12]
The results are as follows

536 divided by 536 and 536 out of 537
Simple operation


Given the square of quadratic function y = ax + BX + 1 (a is less than 0, B is a real number), the difference between the two real number roots of equation y = x is 2, find the value range of real number B?

Let X1 and X2 be two equations, so X1 + x2 = - B / A, x1x2 = 1 / A. let | xl-x2 | = 2, so (xl-x2) ^ 2 = 4, so (x1 + x2) ^ 2-2xlx2 = 4, so: B ^ 2-2a-4 = 0, so B ^ 2 = 2A + 4

What is the quotient of the reciprocal of two fifths divided by five fourths?


The square of a, - 3, B form a monomial and polynomial

Monomial: - 3AB
Polynomial: a + B-3
Definition: a formula that represents the product of numbers or letters is called a monomial; a formula composed of the sum of several monomials is called a polynomial

Li Bai walked on the street with nothing to do. He picked up a pot and went to buy wine. When he met the shop, he doubled it. When he saw the flower, he drank a bucket (the bucket was an ancient vessel). When the shop and Hua finished drinking the wine in the pot, he asked how many buckets there were in the pot?

Suppose the original wine x Dou, he meets the shop three times and sees flowers three times at the same time. After the first meeting, the wine is 2x-1; after the second meeting, the wine is 2 (2x-1) - 1; after the third meeting, the wine is 2 [2 (2x-1) - 1] - 1 = 0; solving this equation, we get x = 78 (Dou). A: how much wine is there in the wine pot

Solving fractional equation in Mathematics
x+1/x-1 - 4/x^2-1=1
Can you see the problem clearly!! 5/x+3=1/x
X + 5 / 3 = 1 / X
The square of X-1 / x + 1 - X-1 / 4 = 1

I don't know whether x + 3 (1) is the denominator or (2) x is the denominator
(1) The formula multiplies x (x + 3) left and right at the same time
The formula multiplies x left and right at the same time
We get 5 + 3x = 1
The solution is x = - 4 / 3
x+1/x-1 - 4/x^2-1=1
The formula multiplies x ^ 2-1 at the same time
We get (x + 1) ^ 2-4 = x ^ 2-1
Simplify 2x = 2
The solution is x = 1

3 / 7 times (5 / 6 minus 3 / 4) divided by 5 / 16

Listening attentively in class is better than anything. Come on

If x = - 1 is the solution of the equation 3-kx / 2 + x = k about X, find the value of (1 / k-2k) ^ 2011 + 2012

Take x = - 1 into the original equation, then k = 1, so (1 / 1-2 × 1) 2011 + 2012 = - 1 + 2012 = 2011