(1) To prove: the equation (n-1) x2 + MX + 1 = 0 (1) has two equal real roots. The equation m2y2-2my-m2-2n2 + 3 = 0 (2) must have two unequal real roots. (2) if the opposite number of one root of equation (1) is exactly one root of equation (2), find the value of the algebraic formula m2N + 12n

(1) To prove: the equation (n-1) x2 + MX + 1 = 0 (1) has two equal real roots. The equation m2y2-2my-m2-2n2 + 3 = 0 (2) must have two unequal real roots. (2) if the opposite number of one root of equation (1) is exactly one root of equation (2), find the value of the algebraic formula m2N + 12n

(1) It is proved that: n-1 ≠ 0, M2-4 × (n-1) = 0. If M2 = 4 (n-1) and m ≠ 0, then n-1 > 0. In equation 2, △ = 4m2-4m2 (- m2-2n2 + 3) = 4m2 (1 + M2 + 2n2-3) = 8m2 (n + 3) (n-1) ∵ n-1 > 0. Equation 2 must have two unequal real roots. (2) from M2 = 4 (n-1), n-1 = M24. Substituting into the first equation, m24x2 + MX + 1 = 0 and solving x = - 2m By substituting 2m into the second equation, we get M2 × (2m) 2-2m × 2m-m2-2n2 + 3 = 0. We get 2n2 + 4N = 7. M2N + 12n = n (M2 + 12) = n (4n-4 + 12) = 4n2 + 8N = 2 (2n2 + 4N) = 14

It is known that the two solutions of the equation AX + by = - 1 are x = - 2, y = - 1 and x = 4, y = 3

Substitute x = - 2, y = - 1 and x = 4, y = 3
-2a-b=-1 (1)
4a+3b=-1 (2)

How much does it cost to build a 500 cubic meter biogas digester

It's impossible to build a 500 cubic meter biogas digester with a little money of 175000 yuan. It's a joke about human life. I understand your calculation method. It's a layman's behavior to take more than 10 individual biogas digesters as the base. Can you build a 500 ton biogas digester with 200000 yuan? Besides, large biogas digesters should be built with steel because of safety factors

Fifth grade volume I polygon area mathematics test paper

Listen carefully in class
It's no shame to ask the teacher after class
Master the type of questions
Just be more serious in the exam
I almost got good grades

Column a 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 column B 1 35 7 9 wants column C result 2 46 8, how to set the formula?
It's like I didn't make it clear. It's a name list. A Zhao Qian Sun Li Zhou Wu Zheng Wang B Zhao Qian Sun Li wants C Zhou Wu Zheng Wang.


12 34 5 (6 7 8 9) 2 = 2008?
What do you calculate with? So much? Have you programmed it?

, = 2008113: 1 + (23-4 * 5) * (678-9) = 2008,12 * (34 * 5 + 6-78 / 9) = 2008 1234 + (5 * 6 + 7 * 8) * 9 = 2008,1 + (2 * (3-4) + 5) * (678-9) = 2008 (1 + 2) * (3 / (4 + 5) + 678-9) = 2008,1 + (2 / (3-4) + 5) * (678-9) = 2008,1 - (2 + (3-4) * 5) * (678-9) = 2008,1 - (2 * 3-4)



What is the median of 58, 57, 42, 45, 50, 54?


How do you feel after reading this essay?
There is no order in the fish Kingdom, and the fish have long been dissatisfied. They swim from side to side, whatever they want. Some fish want to get together, and other fish rush through the middle, or block their way. The strong fish strike the weak fish with their tails, ask them to swim away, or hurt them. They say, "if we have a fish king, we will enforce the law here, That's good. "So we discussed and chose the fish that swims fastest in the tide and can help the weak to be the king of fish
They lined up on the shore. The whale made a mark with its tail. When we saw the signal, we swam hard together. The whale went like an arrow. With it were herring, undersea fish, bass, carp and all kinds of other fish. The flounder also swam together, hoping to achieve the goal
All of a sudden, a fish called out: "the black carp has swam to the front!" the flat, careful eyed flounder fell far behind. When it heard this, it cried out: "who's in front? Who's in front?" the answer was: "black carp, black carp." the flounder called out: "is it a red herring? Is it a red herring?"
Since then, the flounder has been punished for its crooked mouth

Flounder can't learn from itself. We talk too much

How to write the composition "my exploration" in the fourth grade of primary school?