Process and function of forest water conservation

Process and function of forest water conservation

Deep forest water storage means that when rainfall occurs, the arbor, shrub and herb layers can intercept part of the rainwater, greatly slowing down the erosion of rainwater on the ground and minimizing the surface runoff. Moreover, the litter layer is like a thick layer of sponge, which can absorb and store a large amount of rainwater. In this way, the forest can store a large amount of water and maintain soil erosion, In addition, when other environment deteriorates, especially in drought, forests can also use their stored water to maintain their normal physiological activities, so as to regulate the climate~

Any seven different natural numbers, at least two of which are multiples of 6. Why?
I know. This should be explained by the drawer principle. Please write down the meaning of letters before explaining

I still don't understand. Could you tell me more about it

Xiao Wang bought several bottles of a certain beverage with a unit price of 2.8 yuan in the supermarket. After a period of time, he went to the supermarket and found that the beverage was on sale
He bought 2 bottles more than last time, but only 2 yuan more than last time. How many bottles of this drink did he buy last time

Suppose you bought x bottles last time, then this time it's x + 2
That's 10 bottles last time

Who has "new concept English Youth Edition" 3B
Who has the following articles:
Lesson 43 Does anyone still knit?
Lesson 47 No laughing allowed
Lesson 53 Jonno
Lesson 59 We all need to play more

Lesson 43 Does anyone still knit?
Polly: Do you know where I can buy knitting needles, Annie?
Annie: No, I’m afraid shops like that have disappeared these days. Maybe people don’t knit any more.
Polly: I knit! I’m knitting something for my niece’s new baby! Or I will knit something for her, if I can find the right needles!
Annie: Have you tried Janner’s?
Polly: Yes, I have! I had a mad conversation with the Sales Assistant yesterday.
Annie: What happened?
Polly: I asked her where I could find knitting needles. She said they didn’t have any. I said that I always used to buy knitting needles in the first floor, next to Ladies’ Fashions.
Polly: She said that Janner’s had closed that department years ago. She said, ‘We don’t sell knitting needles now. Nobody asks for them any more.’
Polly: I said, ‘You’re mistaken. I’m here, and I’m still asking for them!’
Lesson 47 No laughing allowed
Claire: Craig and I were in trouble at work today, Paul.
Paul: Why was that?
Claire: We laughed in the library. It’s against the rules.
Paul: What happened?
Claire: While we were entering data in the system, Craig started to laugh. When I looked at his screen, I started to laugh, too. We couldn’t stop.
Claire: We were both still laughing when the Librarian came in. he asked us what was so funny. That set us off again.
Claire: It was a story about an artist in California. He was camping in the desert when he decided to chain his legs together.
Paul: Why?
Claire: He wanted to draw them like that.
Claire: Then, while he was working on the drawing, he lost the key. There he was in the desert, with a chain around his legs. He hopped for twelve hours to the nearest town. And he took the drawing with him.
Claire: It was a pretty good drawing of two legs with a chain around them. Unfortunately, the Librarian didn’t see the joke!
Lesson 53 Jonno!
Robert: Look at that man over there. Isn’t he a singer or something? I know! He’s in that picture that you put on your ceiling!
Lucy: It’s Jonno! My favourite singer!
Robert: Quick, Lucy! Go and ask him for his autograph!
Lucy: Oh, no! I can’t! I’m too shy! Can you ask him for me, Robert?
Robert: Oh, all right.
Robert: Excuse me, sir. Aren’t you Jonno, the famous singer?
Jonno: That’s right!
Robert: I really liked the last album that you made!
Jonno: Thank you.
Robert: Can I have you autograph, please?
Jonno: Certainly. Where do you want me to sign?
Robert: Here, on the magazine, please! Thank you!
Robert: Here you are, Lucy. You’ll keep this magazine now for ever, I suppose!
Lucy: Of course! It’s got Jonno’s autograph on it!
Robert: To tell you the truth, Lucy, I don’t even know the name of his latest song!
Lesson 59 We all need to play more
Kelly: Hi, Carol! Did you go to the yoga class yesterday?
Carol: No, I missed it.
Kelly: So did I. The weather was so nice. I decided to go on the morning hike.
Carol: How was that?
Kelly: It was good. We went over the other side of the lake.
Carol: Did they walk fast?
Kelly: Not too fast, but it was fast enough for me. I’m not very fit.
Carol: Neither am I. Maybe I’ll try the hike tomorrow.
Kelly: Do you get much exercise at home?
Carol: I go to a dance class once a week. But it’s not enough. How about you?
Kelly: I walk to the bus every day. That’s not enough, either.
Carol: I ask myself how I can get more exercise in my ordinary life. But I don’t have any good ideas. Do you?
Kelly: No, I don’t, but my husband, Jed, does. He says adults don’t find time to play. He says we all need to play more. The trouble is, most of us don’t know how!

A. B two places 80 kilometers apart, a bus from a to B, two hours later from a in the same direction out of a car, car speed
A. The distance between B and B is 80 km. A bus starts from a to B. two hours later, a car starts from a in the same direction. The speed of the car is three times that of the bus. As a result, the car arrives at B 40 minutes earlier than the bus

Set the bus speed at x km / h
20 * 3 = 60 km / h
The speed of the bus is 20 km / h and that of the car is 60 km / h

What is the solution to the equation about x? X2 + (2m + 1) x + M2 + M = 0

Multiplication x m by cross phase
X M+1
X = - m or x = - (M + 1)

A. B is 950 meters apart. A and B start from a at the same time and go back and forth between a and B. A walks 40 meters per minute and B runs 150 meters per minute. How many meters are there between a and B when they meet for the second time?

950 × 2 = 1900 (m) 1900 △ (40 + 150) = 10 (min) 10 × 2 = 20 (min) 20 × 40 = 800 (m) 950-800 = 150 (m) a: when a and B met for the second time, they were 150 meters away from B

8.7-1.2x = 3.9


A and B advance from west to east along a highway at the speed of 3km / h and 5km / h respectively. A passes a at 12 noon and B passes a at 2
How long does it take for B to catch up with a?
A pool has three taps a, B and C. The ratio of their water supply is 1:2:3 at the same time. It is known that after the three taps are turned on for two hours, turn off tap B, and then fill the pool in two hours and 45 minutes. If the three taps are turned on, it will take several hours to fill the pool
Quick search

1. At two o'clock in the afternoon, Party A leaves a for two hours, 2 * 3 = 6km, and the distance between Party A and Party B is 6km
Let B catch up with a 3x + 6 = 5x 2x = 6 x = 3 in X hours
The distance from a to the ground is 5x = 15km
Suppose that a needs 6x hours to fill, then B needs 3x and C needs 2x
According to the meaning of the title:
The result is: 36x square = 23
If three parallel opening times are t, then there are:
Then t = 23 / 6
It takes three hours and 50 minutes for the three to open

What is the number 2011 after the decimal point when 6 out of 7 becomes a decimal?

0.857142 857……
It is found that there is a cycle of 857142 per 6 bits
2011÷6=335…… one
So 2011 is 8