Let a set a = [0,1], B = [1,2], piecewise function f (x) = 2 ^ x, (x belongs to a); f (x) = 4-2x, (x belongs to b). If x0 belongs to a, and f [f (x0)] belongs to a, then what is the value range of x0. The answer is (log is the logarithm of 3 / 2 at the bottom of 2, 1) I hope to explain the process in detail,

Let a set a = [0,1], B = [1,2], piecewise function f (x) = 2 ^ x, (x belongs to a); f (x) = 4-2x, (x belongs to b). If x0 belongs to a, and f [f (x0)] belongs to a, then what is the value range of x0. The answer is (log is the logarithm of 3 / 2 at the bottom of 2, 1) I hope to explain the process in detail,

X0 belongs to a,

Set a = {x ∈ R | (x + 1) / (2x-1) ≤ 2} set B = {a ∈ R | known function f (x) = A / x-lnx, & # 8707; x0 > 0, making f (x0) ≤ 0}
Then a ∩ B=

A = {x ∈ R | x = 1} for set B, we can see that the domain of definition of F (x) is x > 0. When x tends to positive infinity, a / X tends to 0, LNX tends to positive infinity, so f (x) = A / x-lnx tends to negative infinity, which must be less than 0

Let a = [0,0.5], B = [0.5,1], f (x) = {x + 0.5, X belongs to a, 2 (1-x) x belongs to B. If x0 belongs to a and f [f (x0)] belongs to a, then x0 is a value range
Let a = [0,0.5], B = [0.5,1], f (x) = {x + 0.5, X belongs to a, 2 (1-x) x belongs to B. If x0 belongs to a, and f [f (x0)] belongs to a, then the value range of x0 is
A.(0,0.25] B.(0.25,0.5] C.(0.25,0.5) D.[0,0.375]


Mathematics of the second grade of junior high school -- Application of inverse proportion function
1. The electricity price of a place in the previous year was 0.8 yuan, and the annual electricity consumption was 100 million kwh. This year, it is planned to adjust the electricity price between 0.55 and 0.75 yuan. According to the calculation, if the electricity price is adjusted by X Yuan, then the new electricity consumption y (100 million kwh) and (x-0.4) in this year are in inverse proportion. When x = 0.65, y = 0.8 yuan, find the analytic formula of the function of Y and X, What is the net income of the power sector this year?
Last Saturday, Aunt Zhang and Aunt Liu went to Star supermarket to buy apples. Aunt Zhang bought 10 yuan apples. Aunt Liu bought 2kg apples at the same price. This Saturday, they went to Star supermarket to buy apples. Aunt Zhang bought another 10 yuan apples. Aunt Liu bought 2kg apples at the same price as aunt Zhang, This time, the price of apple is different from last time. How much is the average price of Apple bought by Aunt Zhang and Aunt Liu? Whose buying method is cost-effective?

1. Because the new electricity consumption y (100 million kwh) is inversely proportional to (x-0.4), so y * (x-0.4) = a (1)
Substituting x = 0.65, y = 0.8 into (1), we get a = 0.2
So the analytic expression of Y and X is y * (x-0.4) = 0.2, that is, y = 0.2 / (x-0.4)
When the electricity price is 0.6 yuan, the new electricity consumption y = 0.2 / (x-0.4) = 0.2 / (. 0.6-0.4) = 100 million kwh
This year's net income (0.6-0.3) * (100000000 + 100000000) = 6000000 (yuan), that is 60 million yuan
2. The same price is understood as the same unit price, because the first time two people buy with the same unit price, and the second time they buy with the same unit price. Although the unit price of the two times is different, suppose the unit price of the first time is x1, the unit price of the first time is X2, and the average unit price: (x1 + x2) / 2 is the same, no one is more cost-effective

The volume of a cuboid is 90 cubic centimeters, the bottom area is 15 square centimeters, and the perimeter of the bottom surface is 16 centimeters. Find the surface area of the cuboid
Surface area, quick! Online, etc!

Find the height of the cuboid: 90 / 15 = 6cm [because the cuboid's volume is the bottom area * height]
So the surface area of the cuboid is: 16 * 6 + 15 * 2 = 126 square centimeters
I wish you progress in learning, hope to adopt, thank you_ ∩)O~

Evaluation: 1. Cos (- 14 π / 3) 2. Tan (35 π / 6) 3. Sin (- 25 π / 6)
1·cos(-14π/3) 2·tan(35π/6)3.sin(-25π/6)


If LGA and LGB are the two real roots of the equation 2x ^ - 4x + 1 = 0, find the value of [LG (AB) times (LGA / b) ^] (x ^ means the square of x)
If LGA and LGB are the two real roots of the equation 2x ^ - 4x + 1 = 0, find the value of [LG (AB) times (LGA / b) ^] (x ^ means the square of x)

2X & sup2; - 4x + 1 = 0, then: LGA + LGB = 2; (LGA) * (LGB) = 1 / 2; LG (AB) = LGA + LGB = 2; (LGA / b) & sup2; = (LGA LGB) & sup2; = (LGA + LGB) & sup2; - 4 (LGA) * (LGB) = 2 & sup2; - 4 * (1 / 2) = 2; so the original formula = 2 * 2 & sup2; = 8

It is known that the partial corresponding values of the independent variable x and the function value Y in the quadratic function y = AX2 + BX + C (a ≠ 0) are as follows: X -32  -1 -12 0  12 1 32  … y … -54 -2 -94 -2 -54 0  74 … Then the analytic expression of the quadratic function is______ .

Because the quadratic function passes through (- 1, - 2), (0, - 2), (1, 0), there is a − B + C = − 2C = − 2A + B + C = 0, and the solution is a = 1b = 1C = − 2; the analytic expression of the quadratic function is y = x2 + X-2

How to solve the equation 46.5-x = 21.5 and 29.24 divided by x = 8.6
25 and 3.4

Transfer, get
The coefficient is 1
X = 29.24 divided by 8.6

If x satisfies | 2x-1 | less than or equal to 3, then the minimum value of function f (x) = (1 / 2) ^ x is

Due to 0