Factorization in real numbers (by formula): - A ^ 2 + 5A + 2

Factorization in real numbers (by formula): - A ^ 2 + 5A + 2

Let - A ^ 2 + 5A + 2 = 0
The original formula = - [a - (5 - √ 33) / 2] [a - (5 + √ 33) / 2]

Factorization: x2-4x + 4=______ .


What are the prime factors of 18 and 24


Given a + B = 7. AB = 11. Find the value of a-b
We haven't learned the root number yet!

The square of (a + b) is 49 = a square + b square + 2Ab, because AB = 11, a square + b square = 49-11 * 2 = 27, A-B square = a square + b square - 2Ab = 27-11 * 2 = 5, A-B = radical 5

What is the point where the first derivative is 0 and the second derivative is 0

The point with the first derivative of 0 is called stagnation point, which is not necessarily the extremum point. It is the extremum point only when the sign of the derivative value on both sides of the stagnation point is opposite. The point with the second derivative of 0 is called inflection point, which is the dividing point between the upper convexity and the lower convexity of the image

How to calculate 84 / 24 * 12 / 21 with a simple method


The reciprocal of two and two fifths is
Answer in writing

Two and two fifths = twelve fifths
Reciprocal = 5 / 12 of 12



17.8 * 64-56 * 178-0.3 * 1780


Find the smallest positive integer n, so that n ^ 2 + N + 24 can be divided by 2011 (detailed explanation)

It's better to write a program
int func()
for(int i = 0 ; i < 100000 ; i++)
if((i*i+i+24) % 2011 == 0 )return i;
The output is n = 329
It's difficult to use pure mathematics