How to decompose "6 times x times x + 11x-10" Using cross algorithm

How to decompose "6 times x times x + 11x-10" Using cross algorithm




Add a natural number () to the numerator and denominator of the score 2000 / 1997 to get a new score of 2000 / 2001. What is the natural number

I'm glad to answer for you
Let this natural number be a
Then (1997 + a) / (2000 + a) = 2000 / 2001
The solution is a = 4003

Does the third person singular add s before the verb or s after the verb?
Does the third person singular appear before the verb plus s or after the verb plus s?

As we all know, in the present tense, when the subject is the third person singular, the predicate verb should use the third person singular form, that is, often add - s or - es after the original verb form. But some students are not very clear about which subject is the third person singular, which is summarized as follows: 1

The function f (x) = LG (x + A / X-2) is known. Where a > 0, if f (x) > 0 is constant for any x [2, ∝, the value range of X is obtained
The teacher told us so
If x is in [2, + ∝, then f (x) is constant
There are two things I don't understand about this practice,
1. 2 + A / 2-2 > 1 why don't we get the value category of a directly through the transformation of inequality
If 2,2 + A / 2 > 3,2 + A / 2 ≥ 2 √ a, can we get 2 √ a > 3? What is the theoretical basis

The teacher told us so
Let X have f (x). 0 at [2, + ∝)
There are two things I don't understand about this practice. Please give me your advice
1. 2 + A / 2-2 > 1, why don't we get the value range of a directly through the transformation of inequality;
If 2,2 + A / 2 > 3,2 + A / 2 ≥ 2 √ a, can we get 2 √ a > 3? What is the theoretical basis
2 + A / 2 > 3, which is a constant inequality,
2 + A / 2 > 3, Evergrande means that the minimum value on the left is bigger than the 3 on the right, so as to ensure that each one is bigger than 3, that is, to take the minimum value
Go and compare with 3
Theoretical basis: because the inequality is constant, rather than the ordinary inequality, Evergrande is to solve the problem on the left
First pick out the minimum value, and then command it to be larger than 3; remember that this is a command, otherwise it will not always hold!

Some phrases about "a lot" in English
And to extend it, for example, is the noun added countable

There are many words or phrases that can only be used to modify countable nouns, such as: a good many, a number of, many, fee

If id = 4, ad = 8, then de =?

The plural of that this

those these

Given that the solution set of the inequality AX2 + BX + C > 0 about X is (- 2,3), what is the solution set of the inequality CX2 + BX + a < 0 about x?

From Veda's theorem, we get - B / a = X1 + x2 = 1, C / a = x1x2 = - 6
Then B = - A, C = - 6a is substituted into CX ^ 2 + BX + A0
So X1 / 3

Could you tell me your name?
Make positive answer, negative answer, change declarative sentence and general question sentence
And negative sentences

Yes, of course
Negative answer: sorry, I'm afraid not
I'd like to know your name
What's your name, please?
I don't know