It is known that | Z '| = | Z "| = 1, | Z' - Z" | = 1, the angle of vector oz ', Oz "corresponding to complex Z', Z" is 60 ° and | Z '+ Z "|

It is known that | Z '| = | Z "| = 1, | Z' - Z" | = 1, the angle of vector oz ', Oz "corresponding to complex Z', Z" is 60 ° and | Z '+ Z "|

So | Z '+ Z "| = radical 3

The total impedance formula of two circuits with parallel impedances

Z=( R1+j ( XL1–XC1))*( R2+j ( XL2–XC2))/( R1+j ( XL1–XC1))+( R2+j ( XL2–XC2))

Limx tends to 0 ((1 + x) ^ (1 / x) - E) / X to find the limit of the formula

The original formula = LIM (e ^ (LN (1 + x) / x) - E) / x = Lim e (e ^ (LN (1 + x) / X - 1) - 1) / x = Lim e (LN (1 + x) / X - 1) / x = e LIM (LN (1 + x) - x) / X & sup2; = e LIM (1 / (1 + x) - 1) / 2x = e lim - X / (2x (1 + x)) = - E / 2

It is known that the image of a quadratic function is obtained by translating the parabola y = 2x ^ 2 along the y-axis. When x = - 1, y = 4. Find the analytical expression of the parabola

The parabola y = 2x ^ 2 is obtained by translating along the y-axis, y = 2x ^ 2 + B
If x = - 1, y = 4 is brought into the above formula to get table b = 2, then y = 2x ^ 2 + 2

Seek a primary school equation problem (do not use binary first power) I know the answer do not know how to solve. So I want the reason!
The total weight of the two boxes of apples is 97 kg. Take 14 kg out of box a and put them into box B. box a is 3 kg more than box B. how many kg are the two boxes of apples?
What do you mean if you want to take the lead and multiply 2 inside? If you answer fast, I will give you 20 points! It's a rare opportunity, seize the opportunity!

Here, X is the mass of 14 kg apple in box a
So x-14 is the mass of 14 kilograms of apples taken out of box a
The weight of Box B is 3 kg less than that of box a after 14 kg of apples are put in
That is x + 14 + 3
Here, the "+ 14" of B is moved to the left and becomes "- 14"
So 14 times 2 here

-Ohm's law. Resistance 2
1. Rheostat is a device that can be changed___ Large and small components are commonly used in laboratories__ Its main structure is___ ,___ , and___ .
2. The name plate of sliding rheostat is marked with 50 Ω 1 A. among them, 50 Ω means_______ , 1 A_____
3. When the resistance of the conductor is constant, the relationship between the current intensity in the conductor and the voltage at the two ends of the conductor can be used____ Line representation
4. When the voltage at terminal 2 of conductor is 4.5 V, the current passing through the conductor is 0.3 A, and the resistance of the conductor is 0.5 v____
When the voltage at both ends of the conductor is 0 V, the current intensity in the conductor is 0 V___ A. at this point, its resistance is__ Europe
A resistor with a resistance value of 20 ohm can pass 60 cells in 5 minutes, and the voltage at both ends of the resistor is ()
A. 3V B, 240V C 15V D 4V
When the voltage at both ends of the constant resistance R increases by 5 V, the current through R increases from 0.3 A to 0.4 a, and the value of resistance R is ()
A. 10 euro B 20 euro C 25 Euro D 50 euro

Structure of resistance sliding rheostat
Maximum resistance maximum current allowed to pass
Inverse proportion
15 euro 0 15 euro

A factorization problem

Aunt Wang will deposit 3000 yuan into the bank for a fixed period of one year with an annual interest rate of 3.50%. After the maturity, how many yuan of interest will Aunt Wang get?

Hello, landlord
Interest: 3000 × 1 × 3.5% = 105 yuan
Sum of principal and interest: 1000 + 105 = 1105 yuan
A: Aunt Wang gets 105 yuan interest
I hope it helps you,

Write the process of simple calculation
Fill in the blanks without writing the process
It's better to write down your ideas
Simple calculation: 0.21 △ 1 / 20 × 1 and 2 / 11 + (2.2 + 2) × 9 / 11
7 and 7 / 12 × 35 + 59 △ 12 / 29
Fill in the blanks:
5. The length of a rectangle is increased by 20%, the area is decreased by 40%, and its width is decreased ()
6. For a batch of parts, the original plan is to complete the processing in 21 days, with an average of 2500 parts per day. The actual daily processing is 1 / 3 more than the original plan, and how many days less than the original plan to complete? The simplest formula is as follows

2 + 2) × 9 / 11 7 / 12 × 35 + 59 / 12 / 29
=4.2 * 1 and 2 / 11 + 4.2 * 9 / 11 = 7 and 7 / 12 × 35 + (35 + 24) * 29 / 12
=2 * 2 = 7 and 7 / 12 × 35 + 35 * 29 / 12 + 24 * 29 / 12
=8.4 =35*10+53
50% 21-21*2500/[2500*(1+1/3)]

Mathematics problem: using formula to decompose
Help me break down the factor