Current calculation of RLC parallel circuit in AC circuit The impedance of RLC is paralleled, and the port voltage is u. why does each current of RLC use the port voltage to divide the impedance directly instead of the shunt formula? - I = (U / R + U / JWL + jwcu)

Current calculation of RLC parallel circuit in AC circuit The impedance of RLC is paralleled, and the port voltage is u. why does each current of RLC use the port voltage to divide the impedance directly instead of the shunt formula? - I = (U / R + U / JWL + jwcu)

This is in line with the characteristics of parallel circuit. The voltage of each branch is equal to the port voltage, so the current of each branch is equal to the port voltage divided by the impedance of each branch, and the total current is equal to the algebraic sum of the currents of each branch

How to calculate current in hybrid circuit?
R1 is 20 ohm, R2 is 20 ohm, R3 is 30 ohm. After R2 and R3 are connected in parallel, they are connected in series with R1, and then a voltage of 24 V is applied at both ends. Please figure out the current flowing through each resistor. I can figure out the total resistance is 30 ohm, but I forget how to calculate the current of R2 and R3. Please make up for me,
I can't work out the formula on the first floor. I'm short of talent and learning
What the second floor said didn't understand the formula used in his algorithm. The capital is too shallow. Alas
Only the third floor was calculated by voltage, and I finally understood,

Total resistance: r = R2 × R3 / (R2 + R3) + R1 = 20 × 30 / (20 + 30) + 20 = 32 (Ω) current through R1: I = u / r = 24 / 32 = 0.75 (a) voltage at both ends of R1: u = RI = 20 × 0.75 = 15 (V) current through R2: I = u / r = (24-15) / 20 = 0.45 (a) current through R3: I = u / r = (24 -...)

How to calculate the current and power of symmetrical three-phase AC circuit.doc

In symmetrical three-phase circuit, no matter the load is star connected or triangle connected, because the load of each phase is the same, the voltage of each phase is the same, and the current of each phase is also the same, so the active power of each phase is equal, then the three-phase power is 3 cos pucos

A and B go along the road at an average speed. A travels 3 kilometers per hour, b 5 kilometers per hour. A passes through city a at 12 noon and B passes by at 2 pm
A. Ask B what time in the afternoon they can catch up with a, how far away are they from a city at this time

14:00-12:00 = 2 hours
3 × 2 = 6 km
6 (5-3) = 3 hours
17:00-12:00 = 5 hours
3 × 5 = 15 km
B overtakes a at 5pm. At this time, they are 15km away from a city

The commercial circular decimal of 15 △ 7 is (), the number on the 2009 digit after the decimal point is (), and the sum of these 2009 digits is ()

2009 / 6 = 334.5 the number on the 2009 digit after the decimal point is the fifth decimal (5)
334 * 27 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 8 + 5 = 9018 + 20 = 9038 the sum of these 2009 figures is (9038)

The road from Nanjing to Xinghua is about 310 kilometers long. Two cars drive from both places at the same time. After two hours of meeting, the cars from Xinghua drive 80 kilometers per hour

Speed of the other vehicle: 310 △ 2-80 = 75 km / h

How to understand the root of AB = the root of a * the root of B?

Multiply by the power of the same index, multiply by the base, and the index remains unchanged

The two trains run from a and B for four hours at the same time. The express train runs 180 kilometers per hour and the local train 120 kilometers per hour. How many kilometers are there between a and B

Distance = 4 × (180 + 120) = 1200 km

The average of the five numbers is 9.6. The five numbers are arranged from small to large. The average of the first three numbers is 8.4, the average of the last three numbers is 10.5, and what is the middle one


The number of known columns: 1,2,3,4,5 Arrange this column in the following form: Line 1, line 2, line 3, line 4, line 56
In accordance with the above rules, then the number of the 10th line from the left is equal to the number of the 5th line;
The number m in line n is equal to

The fifth number in the tenth line is = 1 + 2 + 3 + +9+5=50
Number m in the nth row = 1 + 2 + 3 + +n+m=n(n-1)/2+m