When the voltage at both ends of a resistor increases to twice the original value, the power consumed by the resistor will become the original value in the same time______ Times

When the voltage at both ends of a resistor increases to twice the original value, the power consumed by the resistor will become the original value in the same time______ Times

According to w = u2rt, when the voltage is doubled, W1 = (2U) 2rt = 4u2rt = 4W

Electrothermal calculation
Is I square RT applicable in all circuits?
What about u & sup2 / R * t and w = uit? When and why not
Rated power rated voltage of the same three electrical appliances, their normal work of the electric heating is the same, right~
Explain why it can't be converted

Well, q = w = I & sup2; RT can be applied to anything
U & sup2 / R is applicable to parallel circuit
Yes, normal operation should be parallel, the same voltage, the same power, the same thermal efficiency

The passenger car and the freight car set out from the two places at the same time and went opposite each other. They met in five hours. After meeting, the passenger car went another three hours to reach the second place. It is known that the freight car travels 72 kilometers per hour. How many kilometers are there between the two places?

A: the distance between a and B is 960 km

Given the coordinates of three points a (4,1,3), B (3,7, - 1), C (2,3,1), if the point P (x, - 1,3) is in the plane ABC, find the value of X

The intercept formula is as follows
2 / A + 3 / B + 1 / C = 1; a = b = C=
Find X=
You can use a little French
Vector AB = vector AC=
The normal vector n = AB, fork * AC = (O, P, q)
Appointment of ABC (x0, Y0, Z0)
The point method equation can be written
O (x-x0) + P (y-y0) + Q (z-z0) = 0, and substituting into the coordinates of point P, we can find X
Of course, we can also set up a general equation! (more complex than intercept)
Specific calculation process to understand!

Party A and Party B have two engineering teams to build roads. Team a has completed half of the task in two months, and then team B has done another two months, completing the remaining one-third of the task
Finally, the remaining tasks will be completed by the cooperation of Party A and Party B. it will take several months to complete the road construction task

One month: (1 / 2) / 2 = 1 / 4
One month: (1 / 2 * 1 / 3) / 2 = 1 / 12
The remaining tasks are: (1-1 / 2) * (1-1 / 3) = 1 / 2 * 2 / 3 = 1 / 3
So the remaining time for two people to complete is: (1 / 3) / (1 / 4 + 1 / 12) = 1 / 3 * 12 / 4 = January

-99 and 24 / 25 * (- 5), simple algorithm, it's best to explain

The original formula = (- 100 + 1 / 25) * - 5 = 500-1 / 5 = 499 and 4 / 5 uses (a + b) C = AC + BC. Pay attention to the negative sign. Are you satisfied?

A car travels 120 kilometers per hour, and a bus is one sixth slower than a car. How many kilometers per hour is a bus slower than a car?

It's that simple. What's the process

In the triangle ABC, the angle a is equal to 90 degrees, the angle B is equal to 3 angles, and the angle B and the angle c are calculated

Sum of internal angles of triangle = 180 degree

A and B depart from two places at the same time. It takes ten hours for car a to complete the whole journey. Car B's speed is 125% of car a's. how many hours do you meet

The total time of car B: the total time of car a = the inverse ratio of speed = 1:125%
Therefore, the whole journey time of car B = 10 △ 125% = 8 hours
Therefore, a and B set out from two places at the same time, and the meeting time is 1 (1 / 10 + 1 / 8) = 40 / 9 hours
Have a good time

Given 4A + 6B = 24, find the minimum value of 2 / A + 3 / b (a, B are greater than zero)
A 25/12
B 4/3
C 11/6
D 2
Please indicate the solution process and ideas,