The voltage of sinusoidal current for lighting is 220 V, what are its effective value and peak value?

The voltage of sinusoidal current for lighting is 220 V, what are its effective value and peak value?

The effective value of sinusoidal current and voltage is u = 220 V & nbsp; & nbsp; peak value um = 2 u = 220 V = 311 V & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; answer: the effective value and peak value are 220 V and 311 V respectively

Generally speaking, the AC voltage of 220 V or 380 V refers to the average value or the effective value or the instantaneous value or the maximum value

RMS. The maximum value and instantaneous value of AC voltage are not of great significance. Because for AC with different waveforms, the maximum value does not necessarily mean that the RMS is large. The RMS can better reflect the effect of AC on electrical equipment. The RMS is equivalent by comparing with DC. For example, a certain AC is equivalent by resistance, It produces the same heat as when 220 V direct current passes through the resistance. It is defined as 220 V voltage. For our commonly used sinusoidal alternating current, the maximum value is twice the root of the effective value

A and B are reciprocal. What's the quotient of a divided by four of B

A and B are reciprocal
So AB = 1

Given that the difference between the polynomial 2x ^ 2 + my-12 and the polynomial NX ^ 2-3y + 6 does not contain X and y, find the value of n-mn-3 (quarter m-n) - (quarter m-1)

Difference between polynomial 2x ^ 2 + my-12 and polynomial NX ^ 2-3y + 6
Because x, y,
So 2-N = 0, M + 3 = 0,
So n = 2, M = - 3,
N-mn-3 (4 / m-n) - (1 / 4) M-1

What are the ancient poems with wine?
Not only poems and sentences, but also the author's name, Dynasty and source

It's hard for a poor family to get alcohol. I used to know it, or I bought it. Today, Tao Yuanming's biography of Mr. Wuliu listens to your song, and he has the spirit of drinking wine for a while. When Liu Yuxi's the first time in Yangzhou, I see you at the dinner table, I feel relaxed and happy

(M2-1) of (m2-4m + 4) divided by (m-1) of (m-2) + (m-1) of 2

(M & # 178; - 1) of (M & # 178; - 4m + 4) / (m-1) of (m-2) + (m-1) of 2 = [(M + 1) (m-1)] of (m-2) &# 178; × (m-2) of (m-1) + (m-1) of 2 = (M + 1) of (m-2) + (m-1) of 2 = [(M + 1) (m-1)] of [(m-2) (m-1)] + [(M + 1) (m-1)] of [2 (M + 1)] = [(M + 1) (m-1)]

Seven eighths of a fractional unit is one eighth, plus () such fractional units, equals 9

Seven eighths of a fractional unit is one eighth, plus (65) such fractional units, equals nine

Make the secant of the circle X & sup2; + Y & sup2; - 4Y + 2x + 4 = 0 through the origin, intersect the circle at two points a and B, and find the trajectory equation of the midpoint m of the chord ab
Please write down the detailed steps and ideas

Let the secant equation be: y = KX for X & sup2; + Y & sup2; - 4Y + 2x + 4 = 0, then: (1 + K ^ 2) x ^ 2 + (2-4k) x + 4 = 0x1 + x2 = (4k-2) / (1 + K ^ 2) so the abscissa of the midpoint m of the chord AB = (x1 + x2) / 2 = (2k-1) / (1 + K ^ 2) substitute k = Y / X for: x = (2Y / x-1) / (1 + y ^ 2 / x ^ 2) x = x (2y-x) / (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2) x ^

How to do the equation of one seventh bracket, one fifth bracket x + 2 / 3 + 4 bracket + 6 bracket = 1?


Simple operation of 199 times 99 times 9 plus 3