English translation It is the most basic theory about the basis of microwave technology, including transmission line equation, distributed parameter impedance, lossless line state analysis, Smith chart, etc

English translation It is the most basic theory about the basis of microwave technology, including transmission line equation, distributed parameter impedance, lossless line state analysis, Smith chart, etc

Influence of pulse interference source on microwave transmission line
Yang Chunshan, Fu Wenbin, Zhou Jian
Abstract: by solving the non-homogeneous long line equation, the general integral expression of the voltage on the microwave transmission line under radar pulse jamming is derived by using Fourier transform method, and the influence of two typical pulse jamming sources on the microwave transmission line is analyzed. The simulation results show that the microwave transmission line has the function of accumulating and amplifying radar jamming pulse, and its typical accumulation number can reach more than 500
Key words: radar; pulse jamming; jamming source; microwave transmission line
Chinese Library Classification No.: TN 925
Effect of Radar Pulse Interference Source on Microwave Transmission Line
Yang Chunshan Fu Wenbin Zhou Jian
Master of Engineering,Microwave Engineering Department,Air Force Radar Academy,Wuhan 430010,China.
Abstract:The general integral expression of voltage of microwave transmission line interfered by radar pulse is derived by using Fourier transformation techniques, and the effect of two kinds of typical radar pulse interference sources on microwave transmission line are analyzed.Emulating result shows that microwave transmission line has an accumulation or amplifying effect on radar interference pulse,and the typical amplification multiple is more than 500.
Key words:radar; pulse interference ; microwave transmission line
There are many articles
Optimize RF transmission line
Optimizing an RF Transmission Line
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When is reflection not considered in transmission line theory
I just saw a sentence saying, "because this part extends to negative infinity, there is no reflected wave on it." I don't have a deep understanding of the transmission line theory. Shouldn't the reflected wave and the incident wave exist at the same time?

What you said is incomplete. Half a sentence
Does it mean that the transmission line extends all the time in the signal (incident) direction?
If it extends all the time, that is, there is no impedance without connecting points, then of course there is no reflection
Impedance continuity means that the impedance of each point on the transmission line is the same, and only the impedance is infinitely extended or connected at the terminal
Only when the load is matched, the impedance of each point is the same, and there is no reflected wave
For example, in the propagation direction of a transmission line with finite length, if its terminal is open, then the reflection coefficient is 1
There is a reflected wave because its impedance at the terminal (open circuit) does not match the characteristic impedance of the transmission line

The least common multiple of 18 and 19
Please write down the whole process


What is the reciprocal of minus one and three fifths

Minus one and three fifths is - 8 / 5
So its reciprocal is - 5 / 8

First, we simplify the evaluation of 2 (X-Y) square - (Y-X) square - (x + y) (Y-X), where x = 3 and y = - 2

Please click the [select as satisfactory answer] button below

If you can calculate simply, you should calculate simply: 4 / 9-7 / 16 * 4 / 9

= (4/9)×(1-7/16)
If you don't understand this question, you can ask,

Try to explain: for any integer a, (2a + 1) - 1 can be divided by 8

(2a + 1) ^ 2-1 = 4A ^ 2 + 4A + 1-1 = 4A ^ 2 + 4A = 4 * (a ^ 2 + a) = 4 * a * (a + 1) if a and a + 1 are two consecutive integers, then one of a and a + 1 must be even and divisible by 2. Then 4 * a * (a + 1) must be divisible by 8. Then the Square-1 of (2a + 1) can be divisible by 8

The minimum value of function y = 3x ^ 2 + 3 / 4x (using mean value theorem)
Finding the minimum value of function y = 3x ^ 2 + 3 / 4x

Solution y = 3x ^ 2 + 3 / 4x
≥ 3 (to the third power) √ (3x ^ 2 * 3 / 8x * 3 / 8x)
=3 (to the third power) √ 27 / 64

Sunshine flower shop bought 280 pots of fresh flowers and sold 1 / 4 of the total on the first day and 2 / 5 of the total on the second day
How many pots are sold on the first day? 280 × (1 / 4 + 2 / 5)
How many pots are sold the next day? 280 × 1 / 4
How many more pots are sold on the second day than on the first day
How many pots are sold in two days? 580 × 2 / 5

Company 2
Lian 4 (580 changed to 280)
Company 3
Company 1

Given the common ratio q = - (1 / 3), then the limit (A2 + A4 +... + A2N) / (a1 + A2 +... + an)=

an = a1.(-1/3)^(n-1)
a2+a4+...+a2n = a1[ (1/3)^2+(1/3)^4+...+(1/3)^(2n) ]
= (a1/8) [ 1 - 1/3^(2n)]
a1+a2+...+an = (3a1/4) [ 1 - (-1/3)^n ]
lim(n->∞) (a2+a4+...+a2n)/(a1+a2+...+an)
=lim(n->∞) (1/6)[ 1 - 1/3^(2n)] /[ 1 - (-1/3)^n ]