What is Ampere's loop law and what relationships does it reflect in a circuit?

What is Ampere's loop law and what relationships does it reflect in a circuit?

Ampere's loop Law: the line integral of the intensity vector of the magnetic induction field along any closed path is equal to the algebraic sum of the vacuum permeability times the current passing through the area surrounded by the closed path
It reflects a basic property of the magnetic field, which specifically reflects the relationship between the magnetic field strength and the current producing the magnetic field strength

How to deal with the current on the ampere loop?

Ampere loop theorem of magnetic field: ∮ B · DL = μ Σ I & nbsp; & nbsp; formula on the right ∑ I is the total current intensity on the surface s with the integral loop as the boundary, the current direction is in the positive direction of the loop, and the right-hand spiral is positive. The integral loop is a closed path in the magnetic field, which is an ideal imaginary path without thick and thin geometric lines and without area. Therefore, there is no current on the loop

4X + 9y = 123y-2z-1 = 0 7x + 5Z = 4 and 3 / 4
A method for solving linear equation of three variables

4x+9y=12 (1)
3y-2z-1=0 (2)
7x + 5Z = 4 and 3 / 4 (3)
4x+6z=9 (4)

A barrel of oil weighs 55 kg. If you pour out 3 / 5 of the oil, it weighs 25 kg. How many kg does the oil weigh

Suppose the original oil is XKG, then the barrel weight is (55-xkg)
The solution is x = 50
The original oil weight was 50 kg

Let f (x) = 2Sin (x-1), X ≤ 1. In order to make the function continuous and differentiable at x = 1, what values should a and B take? Ax + B x > 1,

2sin(x-1)|x=1 =(ax+b)|x=1
That is to say, the left and right derivatives of F '(x) at 1 are equal
That is 2cos (x-1) | x = 1 = a
Substituting a + B = 1, we can see that B = - 1

46 × 1 / 3-5 / 6x = 10. How to solve this equation?


A cylindrical water pipe with an inner diameter of 20 cm and a water flow rate of 4 meters per second, how many cubic meters of water can this water pipe flow in one minute?
How much is it? It's 7``

(0.2 / 2) ^ 2 * pi * 4 * 60 = 7.536m ^ 2
You're right

When x approaches infinity, is e ^ x infinitesimal? How to prove it?

The x power of E is that x is a monotone increasing function on (- infinity, 0) and (0, + infinity) respectively,
So, when x tends to be positive infinity, the x power of e tends to infinity
When x tends to negative infinity, the x power of e tends to 0 (or infinitesimal)
So, when x tends to infinity, the limit of x power of E does not exist!

11+13+15+17+19=()*()=() 11+13+15+17+19+21=()*()=() 3+6+9+.+99=()*()=() 1+4+7+.+100=()*()=()

Remember the formula: sum of multiple items of arithmetic sequence = (first + last) × number of items △ 2
If the sum of the first item and the last item is even, use: half of the sum of the first item and the last item × the number of items
If the sum of the first term and the last term is odd, use: the sum of the first term and the last term × half of the number of terms

Calculation by simple method
A simple method is used to calculate (1 + x) 1 + (1 + X & # 178;) 2 + (1 + X's four sides) 4 + (1 + X's eight sides) 8

Add a (1-x) 1 / 2 before
Then calculate the first two items from left to right