Questions about lag and lead in AC vector diagram? If you are in a vector graph, 1: VI in quadrant 2, V2 in quadrant 4 2: V1 is on the positive half axis of j axis, V2 is on the negative half axis of j axis How can we determine who is ahead and who is behind?

Questions about lag and lead in AC vector diagram? If you are in a vector graph, 1: VI in quadrant 2, V2 in quadrant 4 2: V1 is on the positive half axis of j axis, V2 is on the negative half axis of j axis How can we determine who is ahead and who is behind?

Phase angle V1 - phase angle V2
Positive V1 lag
Negative V2 lag

24. There are four ways to express sinusoidal alternating current

Analytic representation, waveform representation, phasor representation, complex representation

What are sin and π in the representation of sinusoidal alternating current
What is sin? What is sin30
What is Pi? What is Pi
For example:
The maximum value of an orthodox alternating current is 1V, the frequency is 1 / 12Hz, and the initial phase angle is 0. What is the value of this alternating current in one second?
E = 1 V * sin (2 * 18 degrees * 1 / 12 cycles / second * 1 second)
E = 1 V * sin30
Suppose it is the function side of a right triangle
I'm a junior electrician. I'm looking for expert guidance
In this example, e should be u

I'm also an electrician. Sin30 = 1 / 2, that π = 180 degrees, which means the phase of alternating current. Is that your choice question? Yes, you need to substitute them into your question above according to the basic formula of sinusoidal alternating current U = umsin (WT + initial phase) w = 2 π / T, t = 1 / F, and that um is the peak voltage, which needs to be multiplied by the root 2 with the effective value. The above W is the angular frequency, and F is the frequency, T is time
Suppose it is the function side of a right triangle
E = 0.5V, right? Your question is very vague. Is e the effective value? It should be um divided by the root sign 2

Finding the frequency of sinusoidal alternating current
It is known that the initial phase of sinusoidal alternating current is 60 degrees, and the instantaneous value is 8.66 a when t = 0. When t = 1 / 300 s, the current first drops to 0, then its frequency is?
How to calculate this?

(180-60) degrees in 1 / 300 s
That is (180-60) / 360 = 1 / 3 cycle
The period is 1 / 100s
The frequency is 100 Hz

Analysis of complete square formula
There are the same two wires, one bent into a square and the other into a rectangle. The length of the rectangle is a meter,
The width is B meters. (1) the area of a square is represented by a and B; (2) the difference between the area of a square and that of a rectangle

(1) Square area = [(a + b) / 2] square
(2) the area difference between square and rectangle = [(a + b) / 2] square - (a * b)


If it's a position swap
So the first I should be 2
In other words, this program is to express 2 + 3 + 4 +... + 100
Then find the number 5049

What's your feeling after reading "the flying gazelle"?

It's shocking
Sacrifice yourself for the sake of future generations
People and animals should live in harmony
Animals should be protected

Section of the riddle text in Lesson 17, Volume 2, grade 6 of Chinese
It must be the second volume of sixth grade

The first paragraph (1 ~ 2), the reason is: these two paragraphs mainly write the riddles in the valley
The reason for the second paragraph (3 ~ 4) is that these two paragraphs write the bottom of the riddle in the valley
The reason for the third paragraph (5 ~ 6) is that these two paragraphs explain the truth

Solve equation 1.4x-8x1,3 = 3.6


Simple operation of 2 &; 73 × 99
